
General Characteristics and Perspectives of Dual Enrollment Courses

September 6, 2020

Recently, dual enrolment courses have become especially popular in the US. These unique programs provide young people with the possibility to be simultaneously enrolled in two separate education institutions. We are talking about high school and college.

Peculiarities of Dual Enrollment Courses

It seems necessary to tell first about the history of the creation of dual enrollment courses.

Historical Aspect of the Issue

In 1955, the University of Connecticut first began dual admission under the direction of Albert Vaughn. He believed that the last year of study at a higher school is not difficult for students, they do not receive new knowledge, but simply consolidate the material they have learned, as a result of which there is a reluctance to learn, disinterest in a particular academic discipline, etc. Albert Vogue suggested that it would be useful if the university interacted with schools, which would allow young people to gain initial academic experience. As a result, introductory courses were developed.

In the mid-1990s, there was a movement to formalize the national accreditation body for parallel programs. Several years later, 20 education institutions declared their general mission and, through the adoption of by-laws, formally created the so-called National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).

The specificity of dual enrollment training is considered below.

The specificity of Dual Enrollment Courses

In accordance with the dual admission program, students studying in a school get an opportunity to enter the college and receive new knowledge there. In the case of successful mastering of academic disciplines, they receive a credit, which can subsequently be applied to their diploma in high school and a bachelor’s degree certificate. Credit is a unit of measurement for a specific course, as well as the workload required to obtain a diploma. An average college course is awarded 3 credits. It takes 1 semester. If the course is more intensive, 4 credits may be provided. If it is short and overviews, then 2 credits are usually provided. The average course of 3 credits includes 45-48 hours.

Today, many state governments within the country have formally recognized the special advantage of the dual enrollment courses and have instructed government agencies to partner with local high schools.

Cost of Education

A student can attend dual enrollment courses after full payment has been made. It doesn’t matter who makes the payment (parents, school district, etc.). However, parents are mainly responsible for tuition fees in nine of the country’s fifty states. In Louisiana, North Carolina, Oregon, etc. the states are responsible for this payment. In other states, such as Florida, the school district covers all training costs.

It should be noted that states can contract with a secondary institution, which guarantees reimbursement of fees once students reach a certain grade. 

Pros and Cons of Dual Enrolment Courses

If you are interested in studying under the dual enrollment program, then the information below will be very useful to you since in this section we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of such training.

Advantageous of Dual Enrollment Courses

Here’s a list of the benefits you’ll get:

  • You receive a quick start in college. The objectives that you set for yourself can be achieved faster and easier;
  • There is a good chance that some part of your tuition fees will come from a local school board or state government;
  • Often the courses are held on the premises of the school itself. Therefore, you may not need to go anywhere, but can gain new knowledge in your usual atmosphere;
  • Many colleges offer online dual registration using any modern gadget. It is very easy, affordable, and convenient.

Taking into account all of the above, it should be noted that dual registration is quite beneficial for students due to the fact that it provides them with the unique opportunity to receive a good start-up for their future careers in college. Sometimes students achieve good success in college before they even finish high school. And these are not isolated cases! Dual registration helps facilitate the process of adaptation when moving from school to higher education institutions. From the economic position, it is effective because it allows you to accumulate college credits and achieve a high score.

Disadvantages of Dual Enrollment Courses

There are a number of hidden risks that you can face when deciding to take dual enrollment courses. We should consider them in more detail:

  • The tutors may provide you with basic textbooks for free, but additional books will most likely have to be purchased on your own. If we talk about their cost, then it should be noted that it is not always affordable. Thus, for example, the price of one book for a college student can be approximately $ 100. Therefore, before registering for dual enrollment courses, you should carefully study this aspect and clarify the cost of textbooks;
  • It’s great when courses are held at school, and you don’t have to spend money on travel to college. But if dual enrollment courses are held in college, then you should consider the cost of transportation. Besides, you have to spend some time on the road. Therefore, it will be expedient to revise your own schedule;
  • Getting higher education is a very important stage in your life. Therefore, you will need to make a number of efforts to overcome various difficulties. Think about whether you are ready for this. In addition, the teachers will treat you as an adult and a responsible person who has a certain level of academic literacy. They will give you the grades you really deserve. If you fail to achieve high scores at this initial stage of college education, the record in the diploma will remain forever. Try to take this into account as well;
  • Remember that bad grades can ruin your dream. Students who enroll in dual enrollment courses must either study well or leave the courses at some stage. Withdrawal from courses subsequently can lead to late and less successful graduation from high school. Therefore, think about whether you are ready for active work and whether you have the strength to go through this difficult path;
  • As is known, a great number of scholarships are for first-year college students. If you enroll in dual enrollment courses while attending school, you may not be eligible for a scholarship regardless of your academic success;
  • Each time you register for dual enrollment courses, you are officially considered a college student and begin your career at an educational institution. This is the official record that you will have to submit to the administration every time you move from one college to another.

So, as you can see, there are a number of pitfalls that can influence your decision to register for dual enrollment courses. The choice is yours! We hope it will be correct and residual.

Rights and Obligations of Students

If you have made the decision to attend dual enrolling courses, then you can consider this moment as the initial stage of your college career. In order to make it easier for you to adapt to this process, we will give you a list of your basic rights and obligations as a student:

Basic Rights

College students are entitled to:

  • Safe and harmless conditions of study, work, and life;
  • Work activities in extracurricular time;
  • Free use of libraries, information funds, services of educational, scientific, sports and other departments of the college;
  • Free access to knowledge through electronic educational technologies and to modern scientific content posted on the web resources of the college;
  • Use of production, cultural, educational, household facilities of the college;
  • Providing a dormitory for the period of study in the prescribed manner;
  • Participation in research and development works, conferences, symposiums, seminars, exhibitions, competitions, presentation of works for publication;
  • Participation in events on educational, scientific, research, sports, artistic, public activities in the manner prescribed by law;
  • Participation in the activities of public self-government bodies of the college, the Pedagogical Council of the college, student self-government bodies;
  • Receiving social assistance in cases established by law;
  • Moral and/or material encouragement for success in education, research and social work, for artistic and sports achievements, etc.;
  • Receiving consultations of teachers according to the schedule;
  • Other rights provided by law.

Main Obligations

College students are required to:

  • Comply with the requirements of legislation and internal regulations;
  • Attend dual enrollment courses and control activities in accordance with the curriculum and schedule;
  • Inform the department in a timely manner in cases of impossibility due to valid reasons to attend dual enrollment courses;
  • Participate in self-service work in educational premises, help maintain proper order in the areas adjacent to the educational buildings, other cultural and household facilities that serve college students;
  • Carefully and neatly treat the property of the college (premises, furniture, equipment, inventory, books, devices, etc.);
  • Carry out the instructions of the head of the academic group;
  • To bear the title of student worthy, to respect the human dignity of all members of the staff;
  • Strive for moral, cultural, and physical improvement.

So, in this article, we have provided relevant information on the topic of dual enrollment courses, told about its pros and cons, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the student. We hope you find something useful here for yourself and be able to make the right decision!

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