
Some Useful Tips To Choose The Best Nursing Research Topic

November 2, 2020


Are you a healthcare and medicine student, and you often face the need to perform a research project? Does this assignment make you feel sad and stressed because you understand that it is going to take a lot of your time and energy? We do understand you because it is a great challenge not only to write a research paper but also to make the choice of the right and appropriate topic. When making your choice keep in mind that it should be modern and under the research, why is it wrong to take the first one which emerges in your head? Of course, you can do that but remember that it is impossible to obtain high marks without paying attention to the pre-writing stage, so the most significant and important step is selecting the subject for study. 

Do not neglect to devote some spare time to investigation and brainstorm of the topic. Where to find the right one? You can use such sources as social networking sites or news or ask a professional writer who is competent enough in this area. We highly recommend you to accept and perform all the course projects you receive because they influence your final scores at the end of the semester.

How to Select the Best Essay Topic in Healthcare and Medicine

Do you want to get to know how to select the most appropriate topic for your research in the nursing area? Get familiar with our useful hints, which will make your choice easier. 

 We have investigated and prepared some ideas on how to choose the best nursing research topic as well as provide you with some best and brightest samples. Take our recommendations into account, and the success with your topic is guaranteed!

The first step we recommend you to take is preliminary research. Browse numerous websites for your inspiration. They usually offer various ideas for students as well as provide academic assistance. Get together with your groupmates and discuss the possible themes for your research. Make allowance for your primary goals and interests but still do not forget that ideas should be closely connected and relevant to those who have been recently discussed in a class. Remember to highlight the most important key phrases and words to be used in your writing. 

 Prior to making a final decision regarding the chosen topic, get a consultation from your tutor. He or she should encourage this idea. Begin your work only after getting his approval. 

Our writing experts did their best to compile a list of the most interesting and brightest ideas for your nursing research topic. Make your choice among numerous individual nursing research topics until you are happy with your final choice. In case you face trouble with an essay writing itself, you can get professional assistance from our experienced writers. They will be happy to provide you with high-quality help with any of the following topics.

Mental Health

When picking out among essay topics on mental health, take into account various components of this question under consideration. You can conduct your research on diseases of the mind, care order, and techniques of providing first aid. Settle upon the issue that attracts you most or the one you are acquainted with conserving the time. 

  • the best methods of treatment for patients suffering from the nascent condition of marasmus;
  • the most effectual methods of care for patients who feel suicidal;
  • the effectiveness of aromatherapy in the treatment of stress and depression;
  • how to recognize the right time for involving a mental specialist in the patient’s treatment?
  • how to cope with patient harming themselves;
  • how to provide prompt assistance to paranoid schizophrenia patients;
  • how to slow down the cognitive degeneration of those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease;
  • what causes a generalized anxiety disorder and how to treat it;
  • the impact of aging on psychiatric health;
  • what should nurses do to help patients overcome depression?

Child Nursing

If you want to write an essay in the field of child nursing, you should understand that this task might turn out to be quite hard as there are so many questions to reveal. You can talk about neonatal nursing or methods of conventional treatment. Other points of significant worth to be talked about are phylactic methods, so you can choose them as the subject matter of your paper. 

  • how to improve the neo-natal hospital unit in order to help mothers and their newborn babies?
  • how to increase the low survivorship rate among those suffering from childhood cancer?
  • how to repair malnutrition among the pediatric population?
  • steps to take in order to prevent injuries of the pediatric population;
  • the direct connection between a healthy diet and a child’s good health;
  • what causes infant death in your country;
  • prophylactic actions on the removal of the risk of enterozoons;
  • the main causes of chronic diseases in children;
  • how to treat children with intestinal obstruction?
  • the therapeutic setting for the infant victims of near-drowning.

Taking Care of Adult Patients

Treating patients of an older age has its peculiarities, which include the need to deal with some psychological effects. So, you might take this into account when writing research for this field of study. In case you do not have enough time to stop on an easy topic such as how to treat epigastric burning or promotion of a healthy lifestyle among those who have recently survived from strokes.

  • how to treat chronic epigastric burning in men of middle adulthood;
  • steps to be taken by stroke survivors in order to get back their primary motor functions;
  • medical disposal and consultation for psora patients;
  • the major reasons for stethalgia;
  • how to help patients overcome confined movability after appendage fractures?
  • methods of blood pressure enhancement for;
  • improvement tactics for middle adulthood patients;
  • how to help those who suffered from intimate partner violence;
  • necessary and emergency care for automobile accidents;
  • how to protect the self-esteem of adult patients with special educational needs?
  • how to perform an effective treatment of blood-poisoning?
  • the regime of medical attendance of patients of older age.

The number of geriatric research topics is immense, and if you want to write an interesting essay, you can choose one of them. You can settle on such on the spot problems like preventive measures and treatment techniques for hearing impairment in case you are interested in a quick work fulfillment. Alternatively, if you are keen on carrying out interesting and exciting research, we recommend you to attract attention to more challenging matters such as how to prevent suicide or workout regimes for elderly patients.

  • the ins and outs of osteoarthritis therapy for late adulthood;
  • the main reasons of undernutrition among late adulthood and the best methods of its treatment;
  • how to recognize the first signs of presbyacusis;
  • how to stave off falls and fractures with the help of mild exercise;
  • the positive effects of personalized geriatric care for patients;
  • the crucial steps to take to care about late adulthood patients with diabetes;
  • prediction and precluding of suicidal attempts among the late adulthood patients;
  • planning and arranging a safe discharge for a geriatric patient;
  • how to ease patients who die during their last days?
  • the use of technology to improve geriatric care facilities.

Women’s Medical Concerns

 The choice of topics on women’s medical concerns is immense, so you will find the right topic for you in this area. For example, you may write about how to treat acne or concentrate your attention on the psychological aspects of family violence or rape victims. No matter which topic you will choose, do not forget to pay special attention to gender peculiarities. 

  • how to treat chlamydia and improve overall sexual health?
  • therapy after the loss of an unborn baby;
  • what makes the infertility rates grow;
  • why is the risk of bony rarefication among women growing?
  • why do breast cancer screening methods have such big importance?
  • how to avoid sexually transmitted infections;
  • the barriers nurses must get over in reproductive health assessment;
  • what to do to provide help to women suffering from family violence?
  • how to control emotional and physical signs of premenstrual syndrome;
  • how to prevent and treat acne treatment in female patients.


Use midwifery research topics as a great way to reveal your writing talent. Select one of those topics which you feel the most interested in, use your own experience or your friends’ to make your paper more outstanding and eye-catching. Gathering enough information will allow you to carry out an expert study in the future. 

  • what are the risks of precocious pregnancy?
  • why do mothers and doctors underestimate midwifery?
  • how to carry out training seminars for new mothers;
  • why is it important to check the level of glucose in the blood at the pregnancy period?
  • how to treat hypertension caused by the pregnancy period effectively? 
  • does peridural anesthesia carry any risks for mothers and neonates?
  • the danger of pregnancy and childbirth for women with excess weight;
  • the benefits and drawbacks of childbirth with the partner;
  • the hazards of plural gestation for women;
  • which harmful addictions expectant mothers should avoid during pregnancy. 

Usual Care

If you feel like not into experimental methods and are more interested in seasoned and time proved medication, you can choose one of the following topics. 

  • the influence of the proper and appropriate post-operative treatment on the length of the recovery rate;
  • is it a good idea to allow nurses to administer drugs without a doctor’s signature?
  • the system of support for the relatives of patients staying at the medical intensive care unit
  • medical plan for those being ill with diabetes;
  • how treatment by oxygen influences patients with cardiac embarrassment;
  • the fundamental reasons for hemorrhagic stroke factoring into the damage to brain fissure how to treat the first symptoms of asthma;
  • quick thinking needed for treating acute serum sickness;
  • which skills in the area of phlebotomy the nurse should be aware of;
  • how to deflect and manage ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Alleviation of Pain

The knowledge of the methods of alleviation of pain has primary importance because if the case is severe, drugs should be administered and prescribed very carefully. You can use your paper to provide a description of the most appropriate techniques, option methods of pain alleviation, or some special techniques for those who would like to get rid of some addictions.

  • the variants of alleviation of pain for patients with fibromyalgia;
  • disorders of intractable pain occurred due to improper bad pain treatment;
  • what to do to refine ways of pain measurement?
  • how to alleviate pain after hospital dismission?
  • can opioid medicine for children be the reason for teen addiction?
  • ho, to eliminate pain with the help of non-pharmacological methods?
  • the heightened danger of opioid poisoning for young patients;
  • option ways of treatment of lasting pain;
  • how to manage pain after an operation? 

Health Care Promotion

In case you are not fond of carrying out a substantial survey of serious medical issues, you can stop your choice on the topic from the health care field. Provide a discussion of the activities to choose daily for those who belong to the high-risk group of such disorders as diabetes, stroke, obesity, teenage pregnancy, etc. 

  • what to do to reduce the extension of transmissible diseases?
  • methods of teen pregnancy prevention at an ethnic group;
  • is the idea to fire nurses with excess weight right since they promote an unhealthy lifestyle?
  • how drugs consumption influences on children and teenagers?
  • how to manage diabetes-preventing lifestyle in terms of diet and exercises?
  • what to do to promote skin cancer consciousness and how to prevent it
  • what to do to disincline teenagers to smoke and drink?
  • what to do to disperse the awareness of occupational hazards?
  • how to prevent obesity among children? 

Professional Nursing Issues

The profession of nurse is tiresome and full of stress. Studying for a nursing degree comprises learning various areas – psychological, legal, and financial troubles. Choose one of these topics, and you will understand all the severity of this profession. 

  • what to do to overcome fussiness and uneasiness as a nurse?
  • how to make the level of nursing efficiency higher with the help of benchmarking data?
  • the benefits of cooperative nursing;
  • how to stand up the deficit of approved nurses?
  • how to increase intercultural sensibility among medical personnel?
  • how to help internationally trained nurses to adapt?

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