
Examples, Tips, and Guidelines for a Winning Classification Essay

March 14, 2019

Winning Classification Essay

Classification essay: definition

Not every student can cope with dividing objects or phenomenon into categories under similar characteristic features. If you are good at statistics, you will find it easy to collect and analyze the data, carry out research and divide the obtained materials into categories. If you are not that lucky, you will be puzzled on how to write the classification essay.

This type of essay is a bouquet of numerous aspects you have to combine and analyze. Doing this assignment, you have to analyze, organize and sort certain things into categories taking into account their similar properties. This task can be given to be completed both in-class and as homework.

This task can cause a lot of stress and worries from a student, especially this is the first time they have to do something like this. If this is the case, you should get some professional help. Our expert writers will produce a customized classification essay that will be evaluated with a high grade.

How do you write a classification essay

Students from school and college will more likely be assigned to this written task. The process of writing is very much similar to other types of essays – you need to make an outline, define parts of your essay and begin writing. When you carry out the research there are three main steps to make:

  1. Manage the things you have into efficient categories
  2. Define one managing principle to apply to all the things
  3. Provide examples of things that belong to each category.

You have to be ready that this type of composition will need in-depth research. So, you need to be very precise when analyzing your data. And, you should start working on your classification essay by drafting an outline.

How to produce an outline

An outline is a handy tool when you do a written task. It helps to organize the material, define the order of the text, and not to leave out any important detail. Formulating the good title is also essential.

When you work with the material, make notes, highlight or write down the important parts that you think you might use, put the key ideas on a separate sheet of paper. When you have all the material before you, it will be easier for you to choose the method of organizing it into an essay. You will easily define the logical structure of the text. The structure of your classification essay may be as follows:

  1. Introductory part
  2. Body part:
  3. a) Category 1
  4. b) Category 2
  5. c) Category 3
  6. Conclusive part

It is needless to remind that having a plan of action is always better than flying by the seat of your pants. It also applies the education process, and essay writing in particular. With a plan you feel more confident, you have something to rely on and you can always identify the approximate amount of time you will need for doing the task.

Once you have produced a good plan, proceed to compose the first part – introduction.

Writing an introduction and thesis

First of all, in the intro part, you should explain which objects/phenomena you will be categorizing, your reasons for that and the results you are expecting to obtain in the end. It is a good idea to introduce a hook sentence to your text which will help you catch the attention of your audience:

  • Rhetorical question
  • Fact
  • Piece of statistics
  • Quote from a poetry
  • Quote of a well-known personality
  • Allegory or metaphor
  • Humor

The most important element of the intro part of any academic work is the thesis statement. This one sentence has to be composed in the way that it grabs the attention of your reader at once and makes them want more and more. With the powerful thesis you make your reader analyze certain things, and at the same time, you open the door to the new interesting information. A thesis should be located at the end of the intro part, and then reappear, but already in another formulation, in conclusion.

You should not make your introduction too big. You just present the main idea of your research and the reasons thereof. You will give the rest of the information in the body part. Bring your reader straight to the point with ace hook and statement.

In the intro part of classification essay you should give the names of your categories and their brief explanation, and the results you expect.

Writing body part

The body part is the heart of your essay. This is where the biggest job is done. You describe your categories one by one in the order you defined in your outline. Normally, there are 3 paragraphs in this part, but you can make more. All the paragraphs should be linked between each other with the help of transition words.

The following transition words can be used for smooth going from one paragraph to another:

  • Criteria explanations
  • Introduction of weak and strong points
  • Examples to each group for a better understanding of it

Examples of transition words can be found on the internet. Only a few of them are:

  • Given this fact
  • To demonstrate
  • With regard to
  • Until the present time

Writing a conclusion

In the closing part of your classification essay you normally sum up the results of your research. It will be good to give a brief summary of each category you defined during the study. Discuss whether one or several of your categories can be applied in any sphere of study or life. Bear in mind that you can not repeat any part of your conclusion and essay. If you want to say the same thing you should paraphrase it well.

In this section, you should also include your thesis statement. However, you should not repeat it word by word.

Samples of classification essay topics

Below you will find several categories of winning essay topics. They are all grouped so you could see what the classification is.


  1. Ethics in sports
  2. Gambling vs. sports
  3. Who sponsors sport
  4. Pros and cons of the modern sport industry
  5. Which Olympic kinds of sportswomen are best at

Movies and cinema

  1. What are the genres of retro films
  2. What categories can modern movies be divided into
  3. Best actors born in the United Kingdom
  4. Categories of TV shows in America
  5. What movies are based on novels

Diet and healthy eating

  1. What to eat in the morning to be healthy
  2. Beverages to avoid
  3. How good is eco food industry working
  4. Which US stores sell the healthiest food
  5. How important is to exercise to stay in good shape


  1. Animals in danger in Australia
  2. Which rare animal species Asia can boast of
  3. What animals you should avoid if you meet them
  4. What kinds of mammals are there on our planet
  5. What are the best pets


  1. What are the most popular genres of music nowadays
  2. How music influences people’s morality
  3. Worlds’ rock legends
  4. Popular UK singers of all ages
  5. Reasons for popularity of French music

Samples of classification essays

We know it is sometimes difficult to get the point of something if you don’t have a good example before your eyes. Students of literature will be given the task to write a classification essay quite often. Literature teachers just love asking their students to divide the works of one author or one piece of literature work into several categories:

  • 1st paragraph – drama
  • 2nd paragraph – poetry
  • 3rd paragraph – prose
  • 4th paragraph – fiction

Important step after finishing the essay is its revision. The best way to do it is to put your paper away at least for several hours, and then re-read it with the fresh look. Thus you will be able to notice the possible mistakes and incorrect points. You can also order a professional to revise your paper. This way you can be 100% sure there are no mistakes, and the entire text is logical.

Also, if you are free in choosing an essay topic, you should think well and select the one that will be original and fresh. You may consult your teacher about the topic or look for inspiration online.

If you still feel puzzled about classification essay or simply don’t have time for all this work, the best option for you is to use an online writing service. Our writers are experts in different spheres of study. They are available round the clock all days of the week. If you order your paper from us, you will be delivered a winning customized classification essay in time.

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