
Writing a Women Rights Essay: Tips and Examples

March 8, 2020

Writing a Women Rights Essay: Tips and Examples

Controversial topics are always challenging for students, but educational institutions keep adding them to their curriculum in order to encourage students to think and analyze complicated but important aspects of life. One such assignment can be writing a women rights essay. Despite the social evolution and laws, some females still do not feel confident in their position in society. So you have a wide selection of topics and issues to bring up. In this article, you will learn what basic writing skills you should use and what topics can be disclosed in a student essay. Also, you will see the example of an essay based on women’s rights topics.

Writing essay about women’s rights: guidelines

Writing women’s rights essay has the same writing steps as for any other academic writing. So in this part of the article, we just remind the basics.

So the structure should be the following:

  • intro;
  • body paragraph;
  • body paragraph;
  • body paragraph;
  • conclusion.

Considering the topic, you can add various levels of significance to each part.


If you write about women’s rights problematic, you can start by stating the current set of events considering this issue. It can be a fact, statistics or well-known events that will direct the reader to the next explanations and analysis of the topic. In the intro part, it is also important to present a thesis of your essay that you are about to support. At this stage of your essay, you should grab the reader’s attention and provide reasons your essay is worth reading.

Body paragraphs

Here you should provide evidence to prove your thesis. The optimal number of paragraphs here is there and the next one derives thoughts from a previous one. Here you can provide a description of some major problems women face considering gender inequality. You are free to share your personal opinion on this matter and provide conclusions that are relevant to the discussed issue. It is important to stick to the main idea of your essay and maintain it throughout the entire text.


This part of an essay should be directly connected to the intro part that you have disclosed in the main section of your essay. After providing relevant evidence and analyzing the current situation considered the opened issue you can offer a solution to the problem, make conclusions of the current set of events or predict the potential evolution of the problem. Here you should provide the reader with the feeling that the discussion is over and he or she should come up with their personal opinion on the discussed issue.

Stages of writing women’s rights essay

Now, when you know how to outline your essay, we offer you to arrange your work in general. It is better when you have a clear understanding of how to deal with the writing process and how to achieve success without any serious difficulties. So, if you want to complete a writing assignment about women’s rights we offer you the following plan:

  • Choose the topic that is interesting and compelling to you as a personality.
  • Research the main problems of the chosen directing and define the main thoughts and controversial opinions on it.
  • Define what legal sources can supply you with info about law and social aspects.
  • Outline your essay arranging the main findings of your research.
  • Widen each of the section with your personal thoughts and conclusions.
  • Reread the received materials and think about how you can optimize it.
  • Edit the final version of an essay to eliminate cases of grammar and logical mistakes.
  • Make sure that you have chosen a suitable writing format.
  • Provide references to all sources you have used in your work.
  • Ask friends, parents or other people you trust to check the essay and provide their opinion on the final version.
  • Amend the text if needed.

This is the list of main stages that should be present in your work on writing assignments. But you can alter the algorithm according to your needs and experience.

Topic ideas for writing about women’s rights

There are many issues that can be covered in an essay focused on the women rights essay we have collected some of them and created this list of topic ideas.

General topics

  1. Feminism and domestic violence.
  2. The beginning of the feminist movement in the 21st century.
  3. The position of women in the modern business world.
  4. The positive changes that feminism has brought to the modern life of our society.
  5. How the internet and publicity help in achieving feminism goals?
  6. Should we keep different attitudes to people of different genders?
  7. The significance of the #MeToo movement.
  8. The thin line between fighting for female rights and male discrimination.
  9. What issues have parenting considered gender?
  10. Beauty standards in mass media: how they affect women’s lives?

Controversial topics

Almost all topics about female rights are controversial in some way. But on this list, you will find ideas that open up issues people will definitely have different opinions on.

  1. Sexual education in schools: pros and cons.
  2. Does the fight for female rights mean erasing the differences in parental roles in a family?
  3. Main highlights of the feminism movement since 1837.
  4. Reasons and results of gender discrimination in Asian countries.
  5. Sexism and discrimination in the workplace: what you should know.
  6. Should we protect male rights taking into account modern tendencies?
  7. Cognitive differences between men and women.
  8. Is the main objective of the feminism to achieve a female superiority?
  9. What were the main differences in the third-way and forth-way feminism movements?
  10. The most noticeable differences feminism has brought us over the past five years.

Other interesting topics about feminism

It may seem that topics about women’s rights are always so dark and controversial. However, there are some topics that can tell us more about women’s rights without opening uncomfortable questions.

  1. What are the main postulates of eco-feminism?
  2. The connection between fashion and feminism tendencies.
  3. How fights for women’s right have affected modern education?
  4. Reasons gender stereotypes still exist in our society.
  5. Anti-feminism movements: why they were started?
  6. What causes of gender inequality still exist in our society?
  7. What are the main objectives of the feminism movements nowadays?
  8. How would the world change if all stereotypes were gone?
  9. What tools does the modern feminism use to achieve its goals?
  10. What is the main ignorance when it comes to the understanding of a feminist movement?

Women’s rights essay: sample

For many years women were trying to define and fight the origin of their oppression. They consider patriarchy as the main obstacle of their way to equality in society. In the 18th century, the feminist movement started its path and since then people started to notice the real position of events.

The suffrage movement was aimed at providing women with the right to work as public officers and vote. It started in France and expanded really quickly. The main achievement of this movement was the fact that women all over the world started realizing their rights and fight for equality in all spheres of life.

The official beginning of the movement can be considered the start of political campaigns let by Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton. They encouraged female workers to gather in various trade unions in order to improve their working conditions. But the movement has passed the job stage and expanded to the other spheres of life. One of the main directions was the right to take part in the political life of society as well as taking dissensions considering pregnancy.

Despite the tremendous success these movements have achieved, there is still a lot of work. Women all over the world still fight with sexual harassment and discrimination. But we believe that one day people all over the work will be treated equally well and there will be no need or movements against the rules and states of events.

How to succeed in writing women rights essay?

We are completely sure that with our examples and guidelines you can write a great essay that will not only impress your teacher and peers but also disclose some important topics focused on the position of a woman in our society.

But some students can fail in writing such essays due to various reasons. Some do not feel confident in their writing skills, while others cannot find decent arguments to support their point. In these cases, we can offer you a solution as well. You can delegate your writing assignment to the professional writers from our team. They can offer you help in researching or editing or can write an entire essay for you. And that work will definitely suit the requirements of your college as well as your personal notes. What is more, you save time for work on other important tasks. So we are waiting for you if you need paper writing help.

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