
The Particularities of Oxford Style in Writing

April 29, 2019

The Particularities of Oxford Style in Writing

There are several popular formatting styles used in modern academic writing. Among them are very spread MLA and APA. But if you are going to study at Oxford or your university uses its style, you will require knowledge in Oxford format. Besides, papers in several disciplines (for instance, philosophy, history, political science) are always written in this style no matter the university. For students sorrow, its requirements are not simple to remember and use, but you must at least try.

Most important elements in Oxford style

The future lawyers, philosophers, and politicians must be keen on using the Oxford style in academic papers. Besides, a lot of students in other specialties should also be successful in such a field. This is an absolute rule for exact specialties, which no one can refuse. So students should be good at this task and investigate all its particularities. Let’s start with the key rules of paperwork in the Oxford style. In should obviously contain:

– Headers;

– Title page (which is also called cover page) ;

– Full requirements;

– Reference list and references;

– In-text quotations.

Let’s see how you should format each of these sections in your paperwork according to Oxford rules.


The font should be Times New Roman and in 12 size. The margins with 2″ on the top of the pages and 1″ in all other parts of paperwork. Usually, the double spacing is also required. But don’t use it in a bibliography (this is an exception).

Cover page

It has the ultimate differences from other well-known formatting types. You need to mention your title on the top of the cover page, add several empty lines to write a specialty of a project. Don’t forget to write a current date, own name, and your full university title.

Basic rules

Remember the most important thing about Oxford style: you must provide paperwork with detailed references in all quotations you have used before. Place information about authors, publications, and other important data for your readers there.

References and citations

There is no other way than to make references to each primary or secondary source you mention in your paper. The same is about all in-text citations.

How to choose the best topic

Oxford style has nothing to do with topics directly, but the quality of your paper depends on the sphere you work at. So try to pick up such theme which will conduct your success in Oxford style writing.

The best way to choose a great topic is to collect several exciting options, think about their advantages and disadvantages, and make a final choice. Try to avoid general ideas without exact value and themes which are not relevant to your subject and specialty.

Also, you can ask your professor for consultation or hire an expert in Oxford format writing. This is the best way to create an awesome paper which is relevant to numerous Oxford requirements. You will have your own time, but definitely get high-quality paperwork in a short deadline.

Helpful advice in Oxford style writing

It is important to use 2 different pages for the title page and reference list. This is an important requirement from the Oxford comma AP style guide. In addition, always place the reference list at the very end of your paperwork.

When it comes to the bibliography or reference list, you need to mention there all your primary and secondary sources. Among them, you can use not only books and articles but also newspapers, journals, electronic sources.

Particularities of Oxford referencing style sample

If you haven’t written any paper in Oxford style yet, you may have problems with making a reference list. Professional writers recommend new authors to use good samples, so they have a purpose on how to create their own bibliography. There are many such Oxford referencing style samples online, so pick up any and continue your efforts

The important thing about the Oxford style

Remember, that you write the paper, which must be relevant to strict rules. In such a situation you have no options to change robust rules. So your task is to pick up your topic and create paperwork step-by-step according to guidelines.

The task of Oxford formatting

The main goal of the Oxford style is to help students in writing academic papers. Yes, such a long list of requirements is meant to help you. As a result, you may avoid mistakes and create awesome paperwork. So don’t consider Oxford rules to be your enemies.

If you need any help in writing papers according to the Oxford style, you may ask us for advice or order your task. Our company is a professional team which services customers in any kind of academic writings, including Oxford style.

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