
Social Work Research Topics And Discipline Ideas

March 18, 2021


The discipline sociology is a relatively young science in our country, which has already managed to occupy stable positions in the educational services market and many spheres of society. The importance of its research determines the popularization of sociology in colleges and universities — a whole range of social phenomena and society as a whole.

Sociology research is hard work. Within the framework of applied sociology, disciplines such as methodology and technique of sociological research, qualitative sociological research, organization and methods of conducting sample research, etc., are studied.

Sectoral sociology includes studies of the relationship of individual social processes with social development, for example, the sociology of culture, religion, city, village, labor, family, and many others. The subject of interdisciplinary sociology is the disciplines at the intersection of sociology with other disciplines: sociology of law, social psychology, social philosophy, socioecology, socio-political conflicts. Research in sociology is, as a rule, theoretical. But the main rule is a good topic. Where do you get ideas for inspiration? We wrote about this in a separate paragraph.

How to Generate an Idea for a Sociology Paper?

If your sociology paper does not include a specific topic, there are several techniques you can use to find the topic you would like to research:

  1. Analyze your strengths and interests. It is essential to choose a topic that you are most likely to do well and already know. Look at topics on which you have received good grades. Probably, within these disciplines, you will find any controversial, in your opinion, points that you would like to develop and complement.
  2. If you plan to work in the community, it would be logical to choose a topic related to people’s contemporary problems.
  3. Study the works already written. Many students find it helpful to review past projects to generate research ideas. To do this, you need to research the work already written, paying attention not to the given grade or writing style but to those thoughts and aspects that attract your attention within the framework of each work viewed, and write down the most interesting ones. Based on this, you can think of new ideas in your area of ​​interest that will give you fresh insights for your project.
  4. Ask for advice. Colleagues, friends, and university professors may provide possible ideas for a project. Often instructors are willing to be accommodating and happy to discuss yours and share their ideas for research. Also, ideas can be gained through conversations with practitioners and professional groups. When talking about ideas, remember to write them down.
  5. Research Literature. Types of literature that are particularly useful for generating scientific ideas: articles in academic and professional journals; reports; books.
  6. Follow the media. Stay up to date with social science news and innovations – these can be a great source of ideas. Make it a habit to read specialized portals, as well as authoritative publications. With their help, you can get ideas directly related to the aspects of the sociology of interest.
  7. Create a notebook with ideas. One of the most creative techniques you should use to remember interesting ideas that spontaneously pop into your head is using a notebook. Always carry it with you and write down any interesting ideas and what you think about them, and what triggered your thought. You can then ponder the ideas you wrote down using more rational methods of thinking.
  8. Build a relevance tree. A relevance tree is a hierarchical structure that can be helpful when creating a research topic. Start building with one big global concept from which you can make more specific themes later on. Each of these topics forms a separate branch from which you can additionally generate more detailed sub-branches. More ideas are generated as you move down the sub-industry.
  9. Brainstorm. Many people are familiar with the brainstorming technique, in which the generation of ideas occurs in groups. But in the situation of choosing a topic, you can act at your discretion, you can attract people, or you can do everything yourself.

What Should Be Considered When Choosing a Topic in Sociology?

The choice of a research topic is one of the crucial stages. A student’s topic for research should be related to the main directions of development of the industry and scientific research carried out in the university or college.

A topic is a scientific assignment that covers a specific branch of scientific research. It is based on numerous scientific questions. Scientific questions are understood as smaller scientific problems that belong to a specific branch of scientific research. Research on specific topics can be individual or group-led. In each topic, scientific questions are highlighted, which are solved by one or more researchers.

The topic you choose should correspond to the profile of training, namely sociology. But this does not mean that the topic cannot go beyond the limits of the particular primary discipline in the research process. On the contrary, when choosing a topic, you can draw research questions to and from related disciplines.

When choosing a research topic, it is also necessary to directly consider the possibilities of its development directly in the educational institution. First of all, this means the student can allocate to develop a particular topic, taking into account the entire educational process. Also, all the possibilities of developing the theme should consider the cost of material and financial resources.

Social Topics For College Students

  1. The place of sociology in the system of social sciences.
  2. The evolution of theoretical sociology of the twentieth century.
  3. System analysis of social life.
  4. Traditional, industrial, and post-industrial societies.
  5. The specifics of the functioning of the institution of public opinion in the United States.
  6. New elements of the social structure of US society.
  7. Agents and types of socialization.
  8. Socialization anomalies.
  9. Basic personality theories.
  10. The family as a social institution and a small group.
  11. A young family and its problems.
  12. Housing factor in the development of a modern family.
  13. Prestigious and social housing.
  14. The main directions of family policy in the United States.
  15. Interethnic conflicts of our time.
  16. Comparative analysis of the education system in different countries.
  17. Formation of the personality of a young specialist.
  18. The social stratification of society.
  19. The marginalization of modern society: problems and prospects.
  20. Prospects for the formation of the middle class in the United States.
  21. Social norms and their control.
  22. Features of urbanization in the United States.
  23. Deviant Behavior: Forms and Scope in the United States.
  24. Deviation theories in sociology.
  25. Social analysis of the problems of drunkenness and alcoholism.
  26. Social portrait of a modern student.
  27. Migration processes in modern society.
  28. Sociological research is an instrument of social cognition.
  29. An experiment in the social sciences.
  30. Impact of social communications on the development of the country.

Social Topics For University Students

  1. Sociology as a science, its subject matter, and social role.
  2. Features and structure of modern sociological knowledge.
  3. Theoretical teachings about society before the emergence of scientific sociology.
  4. The main stages of the evolution of sociological thought.
  5. The development of sociological thought in the United States.
  6. Society as a system.
  7. Morality as a regulator of social behavior.
  8. Personality as a biosocial system.
  9. Development of society and problems of globalization.
  10. Problems of social progress and its criteria. Humanity as a social community.
  11. Socio-economic preconditions for the emergence of sociology as a science.
  12. Sociological thoughts in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle.
  13. Psychoanalysis in sociology as a method of cognition and as an instrument of influence.
  14. The Chicago School is the first institutional academic school of US sociology.
  15. World Sociological Congresses: Past and Present.
  16. Types of social conflicts.
  17. Social norms of behavior in primitive and modern society.
  18. Interethnic differences in modern society.
  19. Personality as the main subject of social relations.
  20. The main problems in modern society: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.
  21. Sociology of Labor: Personnel Management and Organization of Labor Processes.
  22. The attitude of modern society to religion.
  23. Xenophobia in the modern world.
  24. Problems of discrimination against women.
  25. The theory of social inequality.
  26. Society’s attitude to the development of information technology.
  27. Poverty and unemployment as social phenomena.
  28. Ways to increase the working capacity of social workers.
  29. The growth of crime in the modern world.
  30. The influence of scientific and technological progress on the development of society.

Top Social Topics 

  1. Fundamental theories of the origin of life on earth.
  2. Development of a person as an individual.
  3. The place of the individual in the life of society.
  4. The society from the point of view of philosophical science.
  5. Proof of the existence of God in the Ancient World.
  6. Bacon and Descartes on the system of knowledge.
  7. The essence of the concepts: immortality, life, and death.
  8. The relationship between faith, science, and morality.
  9. Religion and the main types of religious confessions.
  10. The problem of peace and war in various philosophical directions.
  11. Harmony, Faith, and Reason: Relationship and Main Differences.
  12. Place of traditions in the life of a modern person.
  13. Types of nations and interethnic relations.
  14. Politics and its impact on the life of modern society.
  15. The problem of choosing a life path.
  16. The value of culture and science.
  17. Students and their social role in the life of society.
  18. Sociocultural dynamics of intergenerational interactions.
  19. Social roles as a mechanism of interaction between the individual and society.
  20. Divorce as a social phenomenon. Causes and consequences.
  21. Society and nature – the problem of preserving the natural world.
  22. Cloning and the ethical issue.
  23. Social factors of youth crime.
  24. The crowd is a kind of social community.
  25. Trends in the development of value orientations of modern youth.
  26. The most positive event of the past millennium.
  27. Modern mass media and their role in shaping the moral image of modern man.
  28. Fantastic works – the result of human providence?
  29. Psychological portrait of a modern teacher through the eyes of a student and parents.
  30. Human health and the environment: the pros and cons.


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