What will the population of the world be in the year 2050? How many children are born daily? How many calories does a person consume during breakfast? All these questions require some statistical knowledge and information. Are you generally consumed at breakfast time? What sort of people work in statistics? If you’re not into math, you probably won’t be able to answer these questions.
Statistics studies some digital data without which it would be impossible to carry out lots of practical applications in almost any area. Thanks to the science of statistics, we can deal and cope with all this mentioned above information. The knowledge of statistics is important and necessary for every student if he or she wants to be able to submit a project and present figures and statistics to some extent.
Students study statistics to be able to read journals because many journals, especially technical ones, have statistics. It also helps students to practice and improve their critical and partitive skills. Very often, at the moment of finishing high school, students already possess some extent of these skills, and thanks to the statistics, which is a popular subject at college, they can develop and improve this kind of skill.
You are probably afraid to face and deal with statistics project because you find the task of finding brilliant ideas in this area quite tough. Don’t you be afraid! As soon as you get familiar with the best pieces and samples of statistics projects, things will clear up. We are eager to provide you a hand of help and make your college life much less complicated and fun.
The Best Statistic Project Ideas for a Student From High School
Those who study at high school very often face the need to get mixed up in carrying out statistics projects, which might turn out to be astonishing and spectacular. Do not get sad once you get the task to complete a project in statistics. Vice versa, you should be very happy about it as it is a great chance for you to become active, show your worth and your attitude, cooperate with your classmates, and deep into the information which appeals to you. Are you afraid of statistics projects because of the delusion that this assignment only requires a dull and endless listing of numbers? It’s not like that! Quite the opposite, it is amusive and can open your eyes to many things the importance of which you even weren’t able to realize. We would like to provide you with some excellent ideas and examples for your future statistics projects.
School Census Statistics Project – working in this area of statistics gives you an opportunity to run different surveys to find and gather prominent and nutty information concerning your class or even the whole educational establishment. There are a few ways to carry out this type of project- alone or in a group. It is advisable to work in groups so that you have a possibility to concentrate more of your attention on a specific topic. You can work individually, but it is always better to work in groups so you can focus on a particular topic. For instance, you can focus your attention on calculating rates of school attendance or academic performance of each class.
Statistics survey on relation to school and demeanor. This project requires collecting and analyzing information regarding relations and demeanor at your school. As a case in point, you can invent a survey and interview your classmates regarding the issue of who they are delighted with the most and which character qualities they appreciate the most. That sounds quite appealing, doesn’t it? Collect all this data and write it down, and you will carry out a statistics project. The moment when you finish with collecting the necessary data, you can finalize that sincerity and bravery belong to the qualities most sought after. You also may find out that those students admire the most are some imaginary characters, for example, movie heroes and that parents or teachers do not always come first in the list.
Ecological and Human Issues Statistics Project is considered to be a highly relevant area where you are required to pay special care and attention with a high level of responsibility as it requires to reveal the problem from a few different sides.
For example, you can investigate such problems as “The level of air pollution in my home town” or “Problems First Nations People Face.” Dealing with the first case requires you to pick and get information on the factors that influence the environment in your area, and the second one finds out the difference in the attitude to people of different races and cultures. To finish and conclude your piece of writing, express your point of view, do not forget to draw out a lesson from the collected data. Remember that any topic which seems to be valuable for the people in your area or school might be perfect for a statistics project.
The best statistic project ideas for a student from college
When writing a project in statistics, you should remember that you can use it as the mean of conveyance of an all-important question to the audience so correspondingly it should be performed in the way which makes it possible to spiritualize and furnish the reader with important information. Try to make your project full of suggestions and sustainable facts so that the goal of your scientific research was clear. As soon as you have decided which area of information to investigate, you should settle upon a method and technique to choose as a tool for your survey.
If you are interested in making your paper clear, understandable, and comprehensible, try to use such forms as charts, graphics, slides, video snippets, and so on. The opportunities and possibilities today are boundless, but still, you may find it difficult to choose all these forms. Have a look at the following ideas, for example. Let’s say you have chosen a question like: “Is the UFO true?”. Yes, the topic itself seems to be quite interesting, but just imagine where and how you will look for this information. It would probably be impossible to find any supporting facts and evidence of this idea. So, we advise you to choose one of the following statistics ideas:
- How much time does an average college student spend on social media?
- What kind of music most college students listen to in their free time?
- The waning interest of students to humanities majors
- The disparateness in web browsing due to sex affiliation
- The connection of the amount of time spent on preparing for college and academic performance
- How many college seniors plan to start a family within five years after their graduation? How many of them would like to have kids within the same period? Does the percentage differ regarding the sex of a student?
- The relation between a chosen seat in the classroom and students’ success in class
- Choose a food store chain and make a comparison of the prices
Statistics Project Ideas and Examples in the area of Sports
Gather data on the signs of aggression in different kinds of sports and link whether aggressive behavior of some sportspeople depends on the type of sport they are into.
Research on the connection of basketball players’ accurateness and efficiency with their height. Check whether these rates are somehow related to such index as height. Do not forget to provide a conclusion on whether the accuracy of shorter players is higher or lower.
The interrelatedness of participation in college sports and low grades of students because of extra liabilities
Statistics Project Ideas and Examples in the area of Business
Is the risk of workplace harassment higher for female employees?
How accessible are bank operations regarding various parts of the world?
A Statistical Analysis Project on alcohol consumption among employees with lower pay rates.
How does social network at the workplace impact labor production? Find the data about the availability of social media and connect it with the measure of effectiveness in a particular company.
Statistics Project Ideas and Examples for Capstone
- IT: The influence of the Internet on the growing popularity of online training and schooling at home;
- Education: How college debts produce a negative effect on students’ producibility;
- Social Sciences: The interrelatedness between students’ race and success in certain subjects;
- Engineering: the impact of smart greenhouses uses on the length of the growing season;
- Marketing: How social media can make sales in stores higher in comparison with online absence;
- MBA: How microfinancing can spur on females more than males.
Remember that when working on your statistics project, it’s usually a must to get advice and consultation from a professional tutor to check that you have a clear and distinctive understanding of a picked topic, style, and requirements.
Of course, the topic plays an important role, but keep in mind that as a rule, you will be given some fundamental concepts to keep to and strictly follow in your project. For example, you might be required to follow a certain style, number of words, and presentations. As a final task, you might be ordered to carry out a statistical analysis using all the gathered and found data. Do your best to make this information understandable and open to your readers. And if you want your paper to be successful and bring you the highest grades, do not forget about finishing it with a rigorous deduction.
In case you still not sure which topic to settle upon, you can get a professional piece of advice from our tutors. We offer both the possibility to brainstorm your topic ideas as well as get professional paper help online!
Please keep in mind that you can use your statistics project assignment as a great tool to confirm your ideas and thoughts. Just make a choice of the appropriate topic, use our examples for the start, and do not feel shy to ask for assistance in case you feel you have stuck somewhere on the way to your good grades.