
Useful Tips of Writing National Honor Society Essay

February 16, 2019

Writing National Honor Society Essay

Are you an ambitious student with a passion for pursuing academic excellence by becoming a member of the NHS society? You are on the right website that will give you the necessary exposure regarding the requirements and inform about the organization that will provide you with the proper exposure. The National Honor Society is one of the largest global organization that sponsors students with the potential to exhibit outstanding academic performance. However, to join the organization as a student, you must show remarkable skills in writing your papers starting from the application.

Furthermore, they have their unique style and format that members utilize in writing these essays including the application. You must now be worried about where to get the guidelines and the steps of becoming a member of this prestigious society. Well, this article will give you a clear direction of writing NHS essays with various illustrations.

To start with, you should know the primary benefits of being a member of the NHS society. If you have been offered the membership opportunity, here are the reasons why you should not decline.

  • Opportunity to meet and interact with new people

NHS membership grants you the chance to meet new people and like-minded students with the same academic goals. Additionally, it motivates you to realign your goals and synchronize them with your career aspirations because of associating with top performers in your educational expectations.

  • Polish your Resume

Although a high GPA points markets itself, joining a team of NHS gives your resume the necessary boost that is appealing in the job market. Most employers are always in pursuit of competent individuals and brilliant minds that can spearhead organizational growth. Thus, joining the NHS community gives you the privilege to attract more employers because NHS is an active organization that mentors students associated with them.

  • Exclusive Benefits

NHS have unique benefits that can only be offered to the members. Some of these benefits entail sponsorship in extracurricular activities and access to academic scholarships for further education. Other interests include permanent access to job banks and lifetime membership in the honor society.

  • Networking with Prominent Leaders

NHS membership does not only give you an opportunity to excel academically but also build your networks with prominent leaders internationally. This aspect is because of substantial networking events that are held by the organization annually which gives you an opportunity as a member to grow your network. Besides, leaders in the events will recognize you as an excellent performer before tabling your resume which can also boost your confidence. Remember, your system is your net worth.

  • Gives you a Sense of Accomplishment

If you focus your effort that leads to a high GPA point, why should you not enjoy your achievements by joining the NHS community? You should celebrate little milestones in your academic life, and NHS members society is the place to do it. For a creative and custom written NHS essay feel free to consult our team of experts on this website by ordering your article with us, and we will be sure to give you what you deserve.

What is the National Honor Society Essay?

You might have heard about the National Honor Society Essay, but what makes it stand out among other academic essays? This question has lingered in the minds of many students regarding its difference with the typical scholarly articles. However, it has a few similarities with admission and scholarships essays. Nonetheless, the fundamental areas that NHS focus on are Scholarships, Volunteering programs, Internship, and Social Service. The primary goals of NHS essays are to convince the committee that you are the most suitable candidate for the available position. Thus, when writing the application essay, you are required to address the selection criteria that was used in the previous sections. If possible, one should point out all the elements to facilitate influencing the attitude of the committee and increase the chances of winning.

An applicant is also expected to exhibit personal strengths in academic and communication skills. All these should be demonstrated in writing and provide the underlying reasons why the NHS committee should consider your candidature. Ideally, NHS community has a set of rules and formatting of their essays that prospective candidates must follow to increase the chances of academic excellence.

What are the Requirements for the National Junior Honor Society Essay?

The paper is described as National Junior Honor Society because it is meant for the young juniors who aspire to transition to High School level learning. The students must meet the following requirements to be allowed to join the Junior Society.

  • The institution where the student comes from should have the NJHS chapter supported in their curriculum.
  • The student should have accomplished grade 6 to 9 of the learning level.
  • The students in their ninth grade should have passed in their middle school level of education
  • The students applying should have a minimum GPA of 85
  • Should exhibit significant leadership skills and commitment to improving the livelihood in their society
  • Should have participated in various volunteer programs as well as internship
  • Should possess significant ethical and personal values

Essential Tips on How to Write the NHS Essay

If you are convinced that you meet the requirements and you have met the above requirements, the following tips will be essential for you when writing the NHS essay. Following these steps will increase your chance of being selected in the NHS membership program.

  • Conduct Research on the most suitable topic

The process of researching the most suitable topic will compel you to read on the current events to get updated on the happenings around. You may need to understand various award-winning articles and select a unique topic that resonates with your skills and knowledge.

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of the topic

Many videos from motivational speakers, TED Talks and YouTube videos may come in handy when looking for content while analyzing the selected problem. Therefore, it is advisable that you make use of these resources to ensure you develop the most creative article that will increase your chances of admission. Conversely, you may reach our team of competent writers who can suggest for you the most suitable topic that is in tandem with your goals.

  • Brainstorm on the structure.

Brainstorming implies trying to visualize how the final paper will look like. You may need to take notes in your flow of thoughts for the catchiest ideas that will spark the attention of the readers. Remember to be open-minded when making decisions regarding what to put down on paper. Moreover, whatever you write should reflect on your values and moral stand to enable the committee to make the most accurate decision when selecting the winner. For instance, when you are writing a topic to do with the legalization of Marijuana or an argumentative essay. It should be factual and objective. It would not be wise to support the side that you are not comfortable with.

  • Create an Outline

An outline is an essential aspect of the essay as it ensures that your ideas are presented systematically and maintain a coherent flow of the paper from top to bottom. You may start with an introduction followed by the body paragraphs and conclusion. You can write the points to include per section followed by short notes to support the topic sentences. Do not mix up the points. Primarily, you should stick to one point per paragraph.

  • Write the paper according to the outline

You can then put the ideas on paper developing the paper systematically as stipulated in the draft. Remember, a paragraph should have a topic sentence and a concluding paragraph.

  • Proofread and Edit the Final Copy

After writing the paper, you can refresh your mind by taking a walk or engage in a physical exercise that is not so vigorous to freshen up. You can then proofread your article removing any repetitions, redundancy or tautologies. NHS committee is usually very strict on grammar and unnecessary duplications. You can run your work on a plagiarism checking software to rule out any chance of accidental plagiarism.

Structure Your NHS Essay with Our Tips


The introduction is the most vital part of the NHS essay. To start with, it determines whether the reader will continue reading the rest of the paper. A good introduction for NHS essay should begin with a hook to lure the target readers to read the entire document. At this point, the fundamental elements that should not miss in the introduction are our academic achievements. You can use the platform to inform the reader regarding your grades and leadership accomplishments if there is any. Secondly, write about the facts that got you interested in being a member of the NHS society. This approach will convince the reader that you already know what is expected of you should you be selected as a member. Thirdly, you can use the introduction to state both your short-term and long term goals as a member. This idea will make them develop a positive attitude towards your application by assuring them that you are not going to waste time should they consider your candidature.


The body of the paper is an integral part for you to express your long-term academic aspirations. You can also elaborate on strategies you are going to use to ensure that you achieve the educational milestones and emerge as the best student. Remember to expand on the leadership goals with the availability of vast networks in the honor society. Additionally, you can describe your character in the body paragraph including those aspects that you need to improve to achieve your future career goals. Furthermore, you can use this part to express your exemplary behavior as an effort to convince the committee that you are a well-behaved person and they should consider a chance for your scholarship award.


You should use the final part, to sum up, everything that you have written in the body. Always ensure that you don’t introduce new points in the conclusion because you might lose some marks. Finally, ensure you leave a positive impression in conclusion and show that you are optimistic regarding future opportunities. Remember, they know what you want from the body paragraphs and conclusion will determine the impression they will have regarding your application.

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