
How to Write a Covid19 College Essay?

September 5, 2020

Essays as a type of student papers have long been a popular practice in the American and European education systems: already in schools, children learn to create it; when entering higher education institutions, entrants write essays about themselves; special courses and relevant manuals aimed at developing the ability to write essays of various kinds; In many universities, essays are one of the main tools for assessment and learning. Thus, at Oxford University, essays are the most important method of developing cognitive and communicative skills – in this institution, the student writes a weekly mini-paper on a topic that he chooses with the tutor, and improves it in the process of individual counselling. This helps to learn to think critically, thoughtfully analyze texts, select the necessary arguments, build them logically, and draw substantiated conclusions. Also, in the US and UK education systems, essays are a mandatory component of the English language test for foreigners, such as the TOEFL or IELTS exam.

That is why today there are clear requirements for the structure of the essay, the principles of its construction, the means of communication. The composition of the academic is quite strict due to the specifics of the English-speaking culture of expression in written speech. Strictness can be traced at the level of a single paragraph (topic sentence – a sentence that defines the theme and main idea of ​​the paragraph; supporting statements – sentences that argue and illustrate the main idea; concluding sentence – a sentence that summarizes the paragraph and establishes a connection with the next paragraph), and at the level of the whole text. It is necessary to adhere to a clear regulated structure (introduction, main part, conclusions) and be sure to use appropriate words-connections. The severity of the composition of the essay can be evidenced by recommendations on the number and content of sentences in each paragraph: for example, an essay, which considers the arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ a statement, should be organized in 4 paragraphs with the number of sentences 3-7-7- 3, and an essay in which one point of view is proved – in 5 paragraphs with the number of sentences 3-5-5-5-3.

Today you can write about Covid19 in your essay when you enter an educational institution, participate in an essay contest, or apply for a scholarship, etc. In this article, we will tell you how to do this, give you useful recommendations for creating a good Covid19 college essay.

General Information About Covid19

First of all, we want to provide you with up-to-date information on the topic of coronavirus so that you can take them as a basis when writing a Covid19 college essay.

Thus, since December 2019, a new coronavirus has been spreading around the world. The disease caused by the virus is called Covid19.

Most people carry the disease easily. In most people, the disease manifests itself in the form of a cough and fever, which go away on their own, but some people have a hard time taking the disease – they have breathing problems and pneumonia.

The virus is transmitted through close contact with a sick person, as well as through sneezing and coughing, that is, by airborne droplets.

Symptoms are most often mild and usually appear about five days after infection. However, symptoms may also appear earlier or later than five days.

Covid-19 causes general malaise with one or more of the following symptoms: cough, high temperature, labored breathing, runny nose, sore throat, headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea.

For older people, the disease can be more severe. They may have shortness of breath caused by pneumonia. Most people who have a hard time with the disease are elderly people over 80 years old. Also, a severe course of the disease is possible in people with chronic heart and lung disease or people with cancer.

We hope you find this general information useful. It will help you make strong arguments in your Covid19 college essay.

Specificity of Creation a Covid19 College Essay

In this section, you will receive information on how to create a good essay. Read the material below carefully.

Components that Form the Basis for Quality

Regardless of the theme and main problem of your Covid19 college essay, you should keep in mind that there are components that affect the quality of the finished paper, in particular:

  • The source material you plan to use when writing the paper. This often includes lecture notes, fragments of fiction literature, recordings of discussions, as well as own opinion on a certain issue;
  • The quality of the analysis of the selected source material. This includes stages such as organization, argumentation, and evidence;
  • Argumentation (how exactly it relates to the issues raised in the Covid19 college essay).

Taking this into account, the process of writing a Covid19 college essay can be divided into several stages: reflection – planning – writing – checking – correcting. Writing a successful Covid19 college essay requires careful and systematic training in the selection of accurate lexical items, relevant quotes, accurate arguments to grammatically justify the construction of syntactic constructions.

It is a kind of ‘flow of information’ that combines philosophical reflections and the author’s emotional assessment. Working on a Covid19 college essay, unlike other literary genres, does not require inventing a plot and characters. The essay allows the author to fantasize, and his text may contain the author’s reflections, lyrical digressions, descriptions (portraits, landscapes, etc.), etc.

Requirements for Writing a Covid19 College Essay

Specialists-methodologists emphasize the following requirements for writing a Covid19 college essay:

  • The volume of the text from 800 to 1000 words;
  • First of all – the identity of the author; basically – the author’s thoughts about what he saw, read, experienced personally; his worldview, thoughts, feelings, ideas; moral (ethical, civic, etc.) values ​​are covered; independence and originality, paradoxicality of opinions and estimations are appreciated;
  • The composition is arbitrary, the sequence of presentation is logically motivated; the text is reasoned and convincing; available parallels, analogies, associations; philosophical reflections combined with the author’s emotional assessment of events or phenomena;
  • Style – literary or journalistic;
  • The title does not depend on the content, and it can explain what was the impetus for the author’s thoughts, convey the feelings, the mood of the author, and so on.

Useful Tips for Students

As part of this review, it seems appropriate to provide you with some helpful tips for writing a Covid19 college essay:

  • The paper should be relevant and fully address the issue. You can reveal the theme through specific examples or your reasoning. Originality and independence in disclosing the topic are highly valued;
  • Your essay should be a single and logically coherent text. Most often, this means that you put forward a thesis or theses and then support and develop them with arguments (perhaps arguments for and against) and references to various sources. If your work contains a set of disparate and poorly substantiated statements, it will receive a low score. According to experts, a Covid19 college essay is detailed, but at the same time, a concise and comprehensive answer to a question. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate both the reasoned and logically constructed personal position of the author, and the results of acquaintance with self-found sources that support this position. Try to make sure that every sentence (ideally every word) of the text of the work is relevant to the subject of your Covid19 college essay;
  • When writing, you need to find sources on your chosen topic, read them, and use them to confirm your position or as an illustration to it. These sources may be different. When using any source, it is obligatory to link and correctly display it in the form of a footnote. Quoting, using or repeating someone else’s text (even in a modified form) without such a link are usually considered as plagiarism, and such works are automatically disqualified;
  • In the process of creating a Covid19 college essay, demonstrate your understanding of the topic, express your own position, give strong arguments, apply expressive means of language, use memorable examples, etc. All this will allow you to show your high level of knowledge and create a stellar paper. 

As we can see, essay writing is a long and painstaking process. Moreover, after writing the text, you need to carefully read it and edit it. Editing and language correction (correction of spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors) will definitely improve your essay. If you do not have the ability, time, or desire to polish the written text, you risk getting a low score, and your paper may be classified as poor quality. The completed paper should be postponed for a certain time. In a day or two, you can read the essay again, analyze it objectively, remembering the unity of the three components – content, structure, speech. Focus on the core phrases that implement the idea, remove irrelevant passages that do not relate to the topic, leave verified arguments.

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