
Develop the Best Happiness Essay Ever with Our Assistance

February 27, 2020

Develop the Best Happiness Essay Ever with Our Assistance

Happiness Essay definition

Studying in university predetermines using various skills and testing different methods for expressing yourself. Writing is one of the ways to find out the real motivation of the students. These are writing assignments that help professors check both bits of knowledge of the language and interest in the subject. However, there are also tasks that are aimed at a simple expression of personal opinion. It can be a bullying essay or a movie review. Thou, despite the topic of your essay, it is definitely a thought-provoking issue activating various mental processes in your brain.

Happiness essay is another bright example of a creative writing task. In many cases, this assignment is thought to be the easiest one compared to a lot of tasks given in the universities. For instance, you will need much more persistence, time, efforts and desire to come up with any other research topic. However, when a student commences with a happiness essay the evident issue becomes clear: in some cases, the topic is extremely difficult to cover, even though the task is popular among the professors.

The reality is that on the Internet you will hardly find the information about how to compose a happiness essay correctly. On the contrary, we are ready to suggest you guidance on how to jot down the best-quality essay easily.

In a nutshell, the task asks you to ponder over various triggering topics and give your personal opinion. At first, it may seem quite a difficult undertaking, but with a clear structure goes back into its place.

How to structure your Happiness Essay correctly

As in any other assignment, when working with a happiness essay you need to stick to general rules. Nevertheless, this type of writing is considered to be a creative one, you still need to adhere to the structure of the text. It makes sense and really helps your professor to concentrate on the content and your ability to express your thoughts coherently.

Moreover, being acquainted with the rules of text formatting, you save your time and manage to use it carefully. You do not feel confused anymore and are ready to express your ideas freely.

Thus, structuring the text is mandatory to make it flow and allocate the information evenly. Therefore, you have to divide the copy into 4 main parts:

  • introductory part;
  • thesis;
  • main paragraphs;
  • conclusive part.

Introductory part

The introductory part is what your reader gets to know at first. Thus, you need to take a careful approach when composing this section. In general, you have to introduce the topic and make sure to express your thoughts with simple language. Try to start your essay with an ear-candy statement. It will arise interest in the audience and make them want to proceed with the reading.


The second section is considered to present your idea in a more profound manner. Thus, you have to define the main area of interest needed to come up with your thesis statement. A good piece of advice is to compile a list of associations and compose a short paragraph on the basis of it. The text has to convey the core idea of your message, but try to put it into 3 sentences maximum. In addition, feel free to cope with your thesis when the essay is almost finished. This way you will structure your thoughts better and manage to incorporate each and every idea.

Main paragraphs

Now, when you got your reader prepared for the text, it is time to enhance the content and develop the topic. This section is to be divided into logical parts so that the reader is not bewildered with the information. The number of paragraphs has to be followed by the same number of arguments. Each paragraph is a separate text section, and it should both explain and support the idea presented in the thesis. If we talk about the length of the main parts, you do not have to follow a basic rule. In some cases, you can restrict yourself to a few sentences, while sometimes you need to go deeper and express your views.

Conclusive part

The last part is dedicated to the conclusion. You have to sum up your ideas, but never include any new information in the end. The concluding part has to be concise and follow your core idea and the arguments listed above.

Benefit from our additional supportive tips

To create a worthy text, you cannot limit your preparation to simple guidance following. There are a few things to take into account:

  • answer the question “What does happiness mean to you?” and only then proceed with the writing;
  • recall the time and the situations when your heart smiled: these are the moments of happiness for you;
  • do not copy what your friend or a family member considers as happiness, but be inventive instead.

Choose the topic for your text

Writing the text and structuring it will be easier with a certain topic. Here you can get familiar with a few of the themes for a discussion.

Easy Happiness essay topics

  1. Can our job activity make us both happy and wealthy?
  2. Is it possible to combine two almost contradictory notions, which are success and happiness?
  3. Can you consider yourself a happy person possessing a fortune?
  4. Do you lose your happiness when losing your money?
  5. Do you need to sacrifice something for the sake of a happy life?
  6. Does our health influence the level of our happiness?
  7. Rich people are happier than the poor ones: do we have to agree?
  8. What is happiness for you?
  9. Does happiness change its face depending on the conditions and the overall situation?
  10. Is it possible to become happy with little money?

Contradictory topics for a Happiness Essay

  1. You can pay for happiness: that’s the question of money, time or effort.
  2. The rich and the poor: are they equally happy? What is happiness for each of them?
  3. The happiness issue is abandoned today.
  4. We weigh the happiness against money: will it change?
  5. People are ruled by the laws of money: can it guarantee a happy life?
  6. We have become addicted to being happy and now it can damage our mental state.
  7. Can Instagram translate our reality? Does fake social media happiness exist?
  8. Do we take bright and eye-catchy photos to create fake happiness?
  9. What defines a happy person?
  10. Popularity will ensure your happiness-free life.

Check out the example of a Happiness essay

For every person, happiness has its own definition. Some people consider a well-developed relation the foundation of a happy life. For some of us, the only concept that manifests happiness is a healthy family. In some cases, this is money that makes a person feel better. Thus, there is no universal guide on how to reach harmony in life. 

For a lot of people being secure and living a safe life is what matters the most. Therefore, they accumulate material assets and create bank accounts to have an appropriate sum on their credit card. IT makes them feel prepared for the worst and ready to cope with the difficulties. 

Some people do not worry about the money aspect and try to concentrate on the feelings and emotions they get from life. These are selfless and risky people who dedicate their lives to the adventure. They care less about their well-being and try to undergo as many challenges as their life can suggest for them.

There are also romantic personalities that manifest love and look for it in everything. They can forget about the shelter, their bills or even food for the sake of true romantic feelings. This is what they call a breath of fresh air. 

Hence, happiness can be achieved in a variety of ways. However, to be happy one needs to stop caring what other people say and concentrate on his or her own feelings. 

Let’s draw a conclusion

Being a student is a demanding task. You need to possess a range of skills and be able to adapt to various curriculum activities. Writing assignments are a common issue, but they frighten the students from time to time.

However, there is nothing to be afraid of. Such tasks are thoughts to check the creativity and erudition of the trainees. Thus, the need to learn the art of good writing is obvious.

Happiness essay is for sure one of the most commonly used by the professors, as here a student can express his or her thoughts and think over nontrivial issues. Therefore, forget about your fear and put down the first sentence to start the ball rolling.

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