
Gun Control Essay: What Is It about

November 21, 2019

Gun Control Essay: What Is It about

We are living in a world that is filled with political conflicts, wars, and uncertainties, so the question of gun control remains a hot topic and stirs discussions at schools, colleges, and other institutions. Unfortunately, writing a gun control essay turns out quite a challenging task not depending on whether you choose pro or against the position.

First, you must support your point of view with clear arguments. Then it is necessary to analyze opposing points of view. And finally to offer viable and effective solutions to inspire the audience. Sounds not that simple, right?

We have discussed gun control topics with our writers and created guidelines that you will find below. With their help, you will learn what to write about, which sections to include in your essay and what mistakes to avoid.

How to choose a great topic for your gun control essay

We understand that you may be waiting impatiently for the moment when you can take a pen and a piece of paper and start writing your thoughts down. However, you should always start with choosing a great topic that will engage the reader and will state your position.

Here are things to keep in mind:

  • Before picking a side you need to conduct thorough research on the topic: read laws, check whether common assumptions or beliefs are credible;
  • Choose a side that will be either pro or against gun control laws. Choose at least three arguments that support your point of view and write them down;
  • Think of your target audience. For example, if you are performing in front of a law class, use specific law terms and statistics. Use news, publications, and reports, as well as academic sources. Remembering about your target audience helps to remain focused;
  • Always start writing your essay with an outline. It must consist of a thesis statement and the main arguments, which support your point of view;
  • Don’t forget to include a paragraph with opposing arguments and ideas;
  • Back every argument and claim with sources;
  • Include a thesis statement to your introduction and indicate your position on the topic.

Topic examples pro and against gun control

Pro-gun control topics:

  1. Why the government doesn’t want to apply stricter laws and limitations?
  2. Economic aspects of gun control in California;
  3. Will gun control increase the number of illegal guns?
  4. Violence among youngsters and a larger number of crimes;
  5. Social and economic benefits of gun control;
  6. Compare different US states in terms of harsher and weaker gun control laws;
  7. Gun control should be the same across states;
  8. If there is a list of weapon owners, social risks will be lower;
  9. Gun control laws will help to identify possible criminals;
  10. Violence on the streets will be much lower with stricter gun control regulations.

Against gun control topics:

  1. Aggression at school and why gun control will fail;
  2. Strong points of current gun control laws;
  3. Analysis of gun control laws efficiency across states;
  4. Bernie Sanders about these laws;
  5. Is gun control a chance to change existing laws?
  6. Australia as an example of a new gun control law;
  7. Taxes and their place in stricter laws;
  8. Real reasons for gun control debates;
  9. Conservative control of weapons will decrease violations of the law.

Arguments that you may use in your essay

We want to help you craft a great gun control essay that is why our writers collected the strongest arguments for both pro and against positions. If you don’t want to research and brainstorm, just choose the arguments that we provide!

Supporters of gun control:

  • Stricter laws will help the government to have better control over weapon owners in the US;
  • More limitations will improve the protection of the society by tracking down potential offenders considering the information they provide when buying a gun;
  • Pro-gun control position encourages society to take an active part in prevention shootings at schools and colleges;
  • Image of guns will be changed throughout the media;
  • Stricter laws will make it more difficult for prohibited guns to enter the country.

Opponents of gun control:

  • Fewer limitations will cover the needs of both sides and will allow more privacy to all citizens;
  • More gun control limitations will increase pressure on society, which will make it even more difficult to track weapons;
  • Stricter gun control laws don’t influence the number of violent incidents;
  • The reduction of arms will not force offenders to switch to legal gun possession.

Writing a gun control essay: best tips

Don’t worry if you feel that writing this essay will cost you lots of time and nerves. Everything will be much simpler with the following tips:

  • Always choose aside, which you can support with research and proper evidence;
  • Double-check every source. Use only reputable and up-to-date books or journals;
  • Remain objective and put all of the emotions aside, when you are discussing gun control (or any other controversial topic);
  • If you are providing opposing claims, try to prove that they are wrong by using strong arguments;
  • Always add a reference page at the end of your essay and stick to formatting rules.

Different gun control essay types

If your tutor didn’t give you recommendations and requirements on the essay type, you should first distinguish which one you need: this will greatly influence the structure of your future essay.

  • Cause and effect essay. Choose a particular law or event that concerns gun control and tell about its results. You can also describe the cause. For example, the impact of Bernie Sander’s speech on society;
  • Argumentative essay. Give arguments that support your point of view. Such type of essay is always based on research and reputable sources;
  • Expository essay. It should provide deeper facts and comprehensive research;
  • Definition essay. Define a given term or a particular issue. For example, take the Second Amendment and define it concerning gun control laws;
  • Persuasive essay. Your task here is to persuade the audience. You can get a bit emotional, which is a great plus because you don’t need to provide only facts and arguments. Persuasive essays give you more freedom;
  • Annotated bibliography paper. It is a research, which aims to provide a list of different sources (books, journals, reports, websites, etc.) on a given topic.

A few other tips to write a strong gun control research

If you were given a task to create not just an essay but a research paper, you need to approach it with maximum attention. Devote enough time to planning, structuring, and proofreading.

You should always start with picking a great topic that will not only interlink with the subject but will also contain lots of credible information (so you won’t have to struggle to find necessary sources). Once the topic is chosen, think of your position and write it down, shaping a thesis statement.

Even though the paper itself is important, don’t forget about your tone and writing style. Always remain yourself.

Don’t forget to start everybody’s paragraph with a topic sentence. Follow a common rule: one paragraph for one idea. Before you write a conclusion introduce readers to opposing points of view. If possible, comment on every point to make sure that your positions are stronger and more credible.

When the first draft is written, you need to devote much time to editing. At this stage, you should eliminate all the mistakes and make sure that the text is easy to read and clear.

We understand that many students are not good at proofreading, so you can always contact us and order editing services. And if you don’t have time for writing a gun control essay, we can help you write it from scratch!

Simply send us a message and we will take care of the rest!

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