
Find out how to write globalization essay

January 6, 2020

Globalization is gaining new momentum every year. This term means the process of integration of the world economy, politics, religion. Globalization opens up a world of opportunities for each of us. This applies to work, trade, finance, and technology. With the expansion of globalization, people continue to converge, even if they are on different continents.

A globalization essay is an opportunity to express your view on ongoing processes. This can concern almost any subject because globalization applies to all spheres of life. The most popular subject is politics, economics, technology, and business. This also applies to the development of the social sphere of life.

In your essay, you should highlight the advantages and disadvantages of globalization, share your views on the situation, select credible sources to support the argument. We compiled a detailed essay structure and put together the main tips for writing paper.

What is globalization essay and how to write it?

Globalization means the processes of global integration and unification. In the essay, you should show the effect of globalization, give examples of this concept and draw conclusions. Your paper should be controversial, argumentative or persuasive. Regardless of the type, you need to find the pros and cons of progress, give arguments and evidence.

For you to formulate an opinion about this topic and be able to come up with a reference point, we have gathered the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

The benefits of globalization:

  • Open Global Information Resource
  • Optimization of international trade processes
  • An opportunity to get the latest information about current events
  • Easy tracking of imported and exported goods
  • Rapprochement of nations and religions
  • Reducing the number of conflicts between states
  • Employment Empowerment
  • Combining forces of different states for a common goal

The disadvantages of globalization:

  • Restriction of the authority of individual countries in comparison with international organizations
  • High competition between job candidates
  • Enhanced Customs Control

As you can see, globalization processes have many more advantages than disadvantages. We recommend using this and playing in contrast. A persuasive essay is not so difficult to write, because most people understand the benefits of globalization.

Step by step guide to creating globalization essay

The structure of this type of paper is practically no different from other types. However, you may get confused if there is no instruction in front of your eyes. We’ve put together a walk through on creating a globalization paper structure.

  • Write a catchy introduction.
  • Place your arguments in the body paragraphs.
  • Summarize your ideas in a conclusion.

Let’s discuss each part more deeply.

Create an introduction

The first paragraph of the essay plays a crucial role. It depends on him whether the person will continue to read or close the article. You must present an essay topic, talk about a study, and share your ideas. Besides, the introduction should contain:

  • Thesis statement. This is a key element of the paper that states your position. In one sentence you should put the key idea of ​​the essay. Make sure that this is relevant to the topic of the study because your argument should support the thesis.
  • Hook. This is an element that grabs the reader’s attention and forces him to continue reading. The hook is the last sentence of the introduction, conveying the essay to the body. A good solution would be to write a controversial fact, statistics, or a quote from a famous person.

Write the body of the paper

In the main part of the globalization essay, you should put a few arguments that prove your point. An argument is the central element of each paragraph. In order not to provoke skepticism, you need to back up your arguments with evidence from credible sources. Here are the main requirements for the paper body:

  • This should contain arguments and evidence.
  • The logical sequence must not be broken.
  • Each argument should overlap with the thesis.

Close an essay with a conclusion

While the introduction opens the essay, the conclusion should end it. This is the last paragraph that briefly describes the highlights of the paper. Your conclusion should:

  • Reformulate the thesis.
  • Summarize the research and state findings.
  • Provide readers with a discussion question.

Best writing tips to improve the quality of paper

An essay on globalization can be written quickly and efficiently if you know the necessary tricks. Since this topic is multifaceted, you need to be prepared to study different views on the issue.

Create an outline

This will help you organize your paper. When making a plan, write down key essay elements, such as a thesis, a hook, a definition of certain terms. Using an outline, you will build an essay skeleton that will be your guide when working with the introduction, body of the essay and conclusion.

Use brainstorming

Globalization is a powerful concept that is difficult to fit into an essay format. To come up with a strong thesis and a hook, use brainstorming. This will help you concentrate on the right information and write an attractive introduction. Here are the ways to brainstorm:

  • Postpone the essay and write down all the ideas. For a few short intervals, write down the thesis options that come to mind. During brainstorming, protect yourself from other things.
  • Retell theses from other essays. Read a few works on a similar topic and share ideas for each. When you have quality examples, you can easily pick up a thesis.
  • Work with keywords. Make a list of words or phrases that describe the topic of your work. Take each one and make an offer with it until you come up with a strong one.

Do in-depth research

For your arguments to sound convincing, you should familiarize yourself with the theme of globalization closer. Read the latest news on migration, employment, and international trade. Evaluate the quality of the information and the correspondence of the articles to your search query.

You can do an essay study. If your topic is information resources, try filing a request for the use of budget funds or reasons for canceling international flights. Evaluate the quality of the answer and describe your experience in paper.

Choose credible sources

You must back up your arguments with reliable data. Before quoting a source, check its reliability. If this is an article in an online publication, view the resource reviews and links to it. Use only up-to-date data, because news about globalization is changing every day.

Check the quality of your globalization essay

Edit end proofread the paper to correct the mistakes. Ask a few people to read the introduction and comment on its strength. If you have the opportunity, take the draft to the teacher for verification. He may indicate details that need improvement.

Contact your essay review and writing services for help. We offer the services of professional writers on the topic of globalization. If you doubt the quality of work and the chances of success, please contact us through the form on the site. We will find the best solution to your problem.

Types of globalization essay topics

Depending on the subject, paper topics on the theme of globalization are divided into several groups. We have selected topics for the economic, social and informational aspects.

Economic aspect

  1. Does globalization improve economies?
  2. The impact of globalization on living standards
  3. Globalization and unemployment
  4. Why does globalization foster trade?
  5. How does globalization affect imports and exports?
  6. What are the risks of globalization for international trade?
  7. Can powerful countries harm the developing countries?
  8. Does globalization control economic development?
  9. Why can’t the best economists predict the progress of globalization?
  10. Globalization and financial opportunities

Social aspect

  1. Globalization brings nations together?
  2. The impact of globalization on conflicts between states
  3. Communication opportunities through global technological advances
  4. How does globalization affect relationships between people?
  5. Turning social networks into a global resource of inspiration
  6. Globalization and interview opportunities
  7. Why can globalization make us antisocial?
  8. Fear of socialization and communication offline
  9. Does globalization break human boundaries?
  10. Can globalization cause internet addiction?

Information aspect

  1. The impact of globalization on access to information
  2. How to use global information resources?
  3. Globalization and filtering of current news
  4. Access to international information
  5. Does globalization affect the quality of information?
  6. Does globalization threaten or encourage the media?
  7. Why study international information?
  8. Globalization Enhances Information Capabilities
  9. Is there a glut of data?
  10. Why is globalization necessary for the development of journalism?

Short globalization essay sample

The essay on globalization is voluminous, so we won’t write it from beginning to end. Instead, we describe key elements for paper.

Topic: Why can globalization make us antisocial?

Thesis: The rapid progress of globalization causes fear and doubt among a lot of people.

Hook: Have you noticed that a sharp improvement in the situation sometimes causes distrust and apathy?

Arguments for body paragraphs:

Firstly, people tend to be wary of new technologies and developments. The rapid development of technology does not fit into the average employee’s plans. People are afraid of losing their jobs in factories, so automation scares them.

Secondly, expanding the ability to communicate on the Internet reduces the time of online communication. According to statistics, every fifth user of social networks notes a deterioration in relations with loved ones. This affects the emotional state of a person and creates a psychological imbalance.

Thirdly, the constant use of the Internet can become addictive. Have you ever had a situation when you forget why you picked up a smartphone? Using Internet resources is a habit, and it’s hard for us to deny ourselves another video before going to bed. Ultimately, the lack of the Internet causes anger and fear.

In conclusion, you must reformulate the thesis and take stock of the research.

Bottom Line

The theme of globalization is gaining more and more popularity for essays and research papers. Creating a globalization essay is a painstaking work that requires the ability to analyze a large amount of information. Be prepared to research the issue, analyze different points of view and select credible sources.

With the help of this article, you can create high-quality globalization paper and earn trust. Doubt that you will have time for the deadline? Place an order on our website, and we will undertake the essay writing. You will find professional help and support. Don’t waste your time – contact us for help?

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