It often happens that we need to look at the product or service from a different point of view. In such cases, the opinion of other people can help us identify whether the movie, restaurant, book, or other thing is good or not. What can help us in this case? This is an evaluation essay. You don’t need to go and ask other people about their attitude towards particular things. Evaluating practice can give you a clear image of the product or service you are using. If you don’t know what the best topics for discussion are, make sure to read the article. Here we have covered key topics for the evaluation essay and explained how to choose the most relevant one.
Evaluation Essay: Secret Techniques to Master the Writing
For many students, choosing the topic for their paper is the toughest task. The main challenge is that you can choose anything based on your experience, interest, and preferences. The number of possible themes is endless. You can talk about a movie you recently read. Or you can discuss the laptop that your friend suggested you buy. But how exactly can you make the right choice and perform an efficient analysis in the end? Let’s figure it out!
- Choose the topic of your interest. What are you interested in? Think of the activities that you like the most. Do you enjoy reading? Then you should take a book or a story as a subject for your essay. If you are a movie buff and can’t imagine your life without a good plot, it’s time for you to discuss the recent premiers in the film industry. Are you fond of sport? If you enjoy playing sports or you are a dedicated volleyball player, this is your advantage. Discuss the recent game or contemplate over sports equipment. There are lots of topics for an evaluation essay that you may like. The first thing you should do is to define your area of interest. You can write about an event, phenomenon, or service.
- Choose the topic you can write about. It sounds weird but let us explain this point. If you enjoy something, but there’s no information about it, how are you going to evaluate it? To perform an extensive and profound essay, there should be enough information for you to analyze. By processing a great amount of information, you can analyze the issue and draw relevant conclusions in the essay. Without topic-related sources of information, you won’t state your position. You need arguments to prove that something is good or bad. You should also describe its characteristics.
- Who is your reader? Don’t underestimate the importance of the question. If you don’t specify your target audience, your writing can be useless. When evaluating the issue, you need to make sure that it is an interesting topic for your readers. There’s no sense in developing the idea if your reader is not familiar with the issue. Before looking for the topic, your task is to find your reader. Will it be the professor who is going to check your work? Maybe you are working on the essay to perform in front of the group mates? These are essential questions. The final result of your paper depends on whether you target the audience’s preferences or not. If you find it difficult to figure out who your reader is, look into the task requirements.
- Follow the guidelines. This is what your professor asks you to do. In the requirements for the task, you will find important information about the assignment. Therefore, if you don’t know what style and topic to choose, you can be driven by the guidelines in the task document. But if you don’t have the exact task, you can ask the professor. It seems like obvious advice, but many students forget about it.
Evaluation Essay: Structure and Key Elements of the Paper
An evaluation essay is a regular task common for the academic writing world. This is a regular task for students. So, there are no specific components to be surprised about. The paper has a more or less basic structure. But there are still some details that you need to familiarize yourself with:
- First, work on your thesis statement. Developing a good and comprehensive thesis is difficult. With a well-designed thesis, you can render the major idea and explain the purpose of an essay to the audience. When the reader starts reading the paper, the thesis is the acquaintance with the text. Through the thesis, your reader can understand the direction of your thoughts. In this part, you need to clearly state your position and specify the topic. So, you should tell the topic in the first sentence and describe your attitude towards it in the second sentence. No vagueness has to be introduced in the thesis. An evaluation essay is a tricky task. You need to take a position, stick to it, and defend it. So in the introductory part, you don’t have to confuse the reader. If you leave some misunderstanding between you and the reader, there could be problems in comprehending the content.
- Develop the introduction. You should start the essay with an impressive and surprising hook. Think of what comes to your mind and how you can introduce it in the text. Try to make it less formal. If you start the essay in a relaxed manner, you can win the trust of your readers. In the introductory part, you can also mention the reasons why you decided to choose the subject for discussion.
- Choose the criteria. To manage the essay and to produce the expected outcome, you need to perform the criteria first. Tell the reader about the ideal product or service. What should it look like? You need to describe in detail what are the criteria to take as an example. If you establish the criteria from the very beginning, you can easily see what was achieved and what failed to fit the expected results.
- The next 2 elements are evidence and judgment. The first one is supposed to support the second one. You may separate your text into several paragraphs. The choice is yours. But to produce a well-structured text, make sure there is one criterion, evidence, and judgment in every paragraph. You need to think of it when getting prepared for the writing. Having lots of facts in your hands will ensure you have a smooth writing process.
- Support the arguments. To perform a decent evaluation argument, you should find appropriate information. You won’t be able to persuade the reader if you have little facts in hand. The best decision would be to research the information beforehand. To make it more interesting, you can suggest an opposite viewpoint than described in the essay. It may raise controversy, but it will interest the reader.
- Create a conclusion. In the conclusive part, you need to summarize the points discussed in the text.
Evaluation Argument Topics
Perfect Topics for University Students
- How does social media affect the relationships between people?
- Evaluate the TV series you have seen recently.
- Compare your life before and after the advent of a new technological revolution.
- Specify the advantages of distance learning?
- Evaluate your favorite subject. Why do you enjoy studying?
- Evaluate your performance in the class during the last semester.
- How does the Internet affect the learning process?
- What is the influence of global warming on marine life?
- Compare hard copy and electronic books.
The Best Evaluation Argument Topics for Students
- Why do you like working with online software during classes?
- Do we need sex education programs in schools? Evaluate the influence of such classes on students.
- Can we consider year-round schools more effective than traditional ones?
- What is the difference between major tests in English, TOEFL, and IELTS?
- Evaluate the last event performed in the school.
- Evaluate your laptop. Do you enjoy using it for homework assignments?
- Evaluate how effective online education during the lockdown is.
- Evaluate how video games influence youth.
- Evaluate our future in the technological era.
- Evaluate the use of mobile phones during classes in high school.
Easy and Interesting Evaluation Essay Topics
- Compare homemade coffee and the one you buy in a coffee house.
- Evaluate the pizza you ate last time. Was it good enough?
- What can you say about the comedy you watched recently?
- Do you enjoy your shampoo for everyday use?
- Compare traditional relationships with online communication.
- What can you say about the movies with the same director? Do they have common features?
- Do you like literature? Evaluate the recent news in the field.
- Evaluate the career of your favorite movie star for the last 5 years. Was it successful?
- Compare the book and the movie based on the story. Do you enjoy them in the same way?
Final Words
The evaluation essay is a tricky task for every student. This is not a regular essay. This is a complex assignment with its specific structure and style of writing. But you shouldn’t be afraid of the difficulty. If you choose an appropriate evaluation argument topic and follow the correct structure, you will cope with the task easily.
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