
Get Familiar With The Art Of Causal Essay Writing

February 11, 2020

Get Familiar With The Art Of Causal Essay Writing

Let’s find out the definition

It happens sometimes that even a Casual essay can be troublesome for the students. The difficulty arises from the vagueness of the task. On the Web, one can find tons of articles where the experts share their knowledge and teach how to cope with essay writing. However, you can find little information about how to build a good Causal Essay.

There are a few reasons why students don’t like this type of writing. The first one consists in the structure of the text that is awkward. The second reason implies the difficulty in finding the connections between cause and effect. However, these are not determining factors that can influence your essay. With thorough preparation, one can succeed in Causal Essay writing and get the highest score from a professor.

In a nutshell, Causal Analysis Essay represents interrelationships between the cause of an event and its effects. It suggests the picture of how the consequences of a phenomenon can influence the outcome. Student’s duty involves researching the subject and determining the major arguments that can help come to a logical conclusion. These arguments need to be convincing so that the reader understands how two events, situations or phenomena interact.

Your goal is to figure out the main facets of the issue and shed light on the dilemma. You cannot limit your text to simply listing the causes and probable reasons. This way your text will sound poorly and fail to convey the implied message.

Thus, let’s move on and study another aspect necessary to perform a decent cause-effect essay. This is the structure of the text.

Structure your text properly

The first step you need to take involves choosing a topic that you feel confident to talk about. This is a compulsory prerequisite you need to think about before proceeding with writing the text. Try to opt for a good topic. It is not enough to be simply interested in the issue. You need to be extremely motivated to research the topic and share your findings. You should be passionate about it so that there is no difficulty for you to generate ideas.

You will have the opportunity to research the list of topics we have gathered for you, but now it is time to see how your text should be structured.


At this point, the thesis statement is what will help you start the ball rolling. Your Causal essay will be insufficient if it lacks a well-written thesis. Nevertheless, this is the opening to your essay, it should briefly describe all that you are to point out in the following parts of the text. Therefore, feel free to give yourself a few attempts to create your thesis. There is nothing bad in making amendments to this part and adjusting it to the overall sense, as your core idea may undergo changes throughout essay writing.

The thesis statement should not exceed a 2-sentence length. Otherwise, it will fail to serve its main purpose.


At this point, make use of 2-3 sentences to set the mood for your essay and perform the purpose of your writing. Your task is to convince the reader about the importance of the topic. Try to keep the text consistent and in line with your main idea.

Main part

This part is dedicated to your actual research on the topic. Here you should concentrate your attention on developing the idea. There is one particular mistake that a student can make. Accentuating merely on the causes will not provide you with a decent text. You will fail to present the dilemma if you avoid talking about the effects. Try to balance between causes and effects and giving them equal attention in the main body of the essay.

Usually, the text is divided into 2 parts: the first one considers the causes of the event, and the second paragraph shows the consequences.


In the conclusive part, try to stay aside from presenting new information. It will cause confusion. At this point, your task is quite simple: you have to summarize what you mentioned above and take stock.

Make sure to use our prompts to create your perfect Causal essay

Being aware of the structure is great, but that’s not enough to present a perfect paper. The secret is to pay attention to the details. These are little things that you can overlook at first, but they mean a lot to the overall view of the text:

  • Develop your thought and reinforce it with appropriate counterarguments;
  • Avoid listing the ideas, but concentrate on profound discussion instead;
  • Try to be descriptive with your arguments to sound convincing;
  • Clarify the outcome of your essay, make use of the compare-and-contrast method;
  • Avoid introducing new ideas in the final part.

Choose your topic at ease

To help you narrow down the list of possible topic variations, we have managed to compile our own list of ready-to-use topics.

Technological development and breakthrough

  1. Can we consider social networking to be detrimental to our own safety?
  2. M-learning as a breath of fresh air to the traditional studying process: can it change the overall tendency in educational institutions?
  3. Don’t risk your money: what are the possible threats relating to online shopping?
  4. What impact does the Internet make on children? How does it affect their behavior?
  5. How does social media impact our vision of regular things?
  6. Cyberbullying: what is the main reason for it? How can you fight it?
  7. Are you addicted to social media?
  8. Can we agree to the fact that technological progress has changed our house duty routine?
  9. The development of the IT job market and how the national economy responds to it.
  10. Freedom of speech: has Youtube contributed to it?

Environmental issues

  1. Our forests die from the industrial activity: can we save them?
  2. How do global governments respond to climate change issues?
  3. Facebook as another platform for the activists to be heard: do you agree?
  4. What is the impact of chemical plants on the environment changes for the last couple of years? Do we experience the consequences of our own activities?
  5. What are the possible reasons that made polar bears migrate?
  6. The development of urban infrastructure and the following natural parks spread.
  7. Soil dehydration processes: what measures to take to prevent the unstoppable changes?
  8. Do we live in a fake activist’s world? How do people benefit from their environmental-friendly lifestyle?
  9. Globalization issue: do we face it now?
  10. How far can we get with the need to build up the area?

Education system and youth

  1. Can you present examples of strong bullying in colleges? What are the reasons? How should we respond to it?
  2. What will your life look like, if you spend your childhood in a single-parent family? Does it make any difference?
  3. E-learning, M-learning, and distance education: what are the pros and cons of the latest updates?
  4. Do you benefit from living in a multilingual family? Can it affect your vision of the world? Is it beneficial? Why?
  5. Stress as a determining factor for your college performance. What are the ways to fight anxiety in students?
  6. Is combining studying with part-time job activity beneficial? Can it damage your mental and physical health?
  7. Do you need to care much about the grades?
  8. What can cause the administration to kick a student out of school?
  9. Teaching techniques and their impact on students’ performance.
  10. Do you need to spend less time playing video games?

Consider our example of Causal essay

The role of television in today’s world 

Television has become a way to translate the ideas of the leaders en masse. The media does not only evoke interest and attract attention to pressing issues. It also put its mark on the culture of every society. However, its impact is controversial and cannot be assessed from one side. 

On the one hand, people need a distraction from their everyday life, and the content on TV is the best way to get one’s mind off. Moreover, TV is an appropriate platform to shed light on up-to-date issues, such as racism, cross-cultural differences, violence and many other topics of concern. 

On the other hand, the impact can be negative too. Today there is a trend to cover shocking events to attract the audience’s attention. Thus, there is no room left for true entertainment. 

Moreover, both small and big corporations make use of the television to advertise their services and goods for the sake of revenue. It damages the quality of the content and the overall industry in general. 

Hence, television has developed its capacity and now can impress with its progressive technology. However, it’s you who have to filter out the information to stay away from mainstream tension. 

Time to draw a conclusion

Forget about the difficulties related to Causal essay writing. If you research the topic and make use of our prompts, your text will get the highest score. If you are still in trouble with your writing tasks, just click an order button and PaperHelpWriting will help you immediately.

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