
Learn how to write an exploratory essay

January 10, 2020

Senior students may be given the task of creating an exploratory paper. At first, the name will scare you with its novelty, but you should try to understand the topic. We will tell you the distinguishing features of this type of paper and ways to improve the quality of work.

An exploratory essay is a type of paper that describes the problem from an objective point of view. Instead of being limited to standard approaches and dry argumentation, the essay should offer unusual ways to solve the problem. As a basis, you need to take several points of view and analyze them to reach a reasonable conclusion.

We have written step-by-step instructions for writing an exploratory paper. In this article you will find the best tips for selecting a topic, creating a plan, and writing an essay.

The concept of exploratory essay

If you have experience writing different types of essays, you are interested in why you need an exploratory essay and how it differs from other papers. This task checks not only the skills of analysis and writing but also finding new ways to solve the problem. You also need to avoid bias and be able to determine a reasoned point of view.

Unlike other types of written assignments, the exploratory essay does not focus on proving its point of view, but on finding new approaches to solving the problem. You should not convince readers to listen to you. Your goal is to help the audience formulate their own opinions on the topic under discussion.

The exploratory essay requires the student to show skills in researching and selecting credible sources for deeper analysis. This type of paper will perfectly prepare you for writing a dissertation or research paper. Please note that you should not distinguish your opinion from other points of view, they should be equal.

Optimal structure for an essay

The structure of the task is practically no different from other types of papers. You should write a short and powerful introduction, body part of the essay, and a conclusion. However, each part of the essay has its structure and necessary elements. We have written a guide for writing each paragraph of the exploratory essay.

Write a powerful introduction

The success of the paper depends on your introduction: if it is not strong enough, people will not continue reading. Here are the necessary introduction requirements:

  • It should tell about the condemnation in the body of the essay and describe the problem. This is honest to readers because they need to immediately understand whether they should go deeper into the study.
  • It should be catchy. Add a hook that will grab the reader’s attention and make him continue reading. This may be a famous quote, a scientific fact, or a joke. Make sure this data matches the topic of the essay.
  • Indicate the relevance of the study. Explain why solving the problem is important and tell how each person can help. You may be surprised, but readers love sincerity. This will help you gain credibility.
  • Come up with a compelling thesis. The last sentence of an introduction should contain the idea of ​​an essay and attract the attention of the reader. The question can help to interest the audience because readers can determine their view of the problem.

Write body paragraphs

In the body of the essay, you should talk about the problem and its importance in solving it. Also in the main part, you need to state various views on the issue. Your point of view should not look better than the others, so do not try to present it in a better light. The exploratory essay should not be emotional, but state facts and versatile views on the problem.

The first part of the body should consist of:

  • Explanations of the problem. Tell statistics about your research if it is discussed in the news and other academic papers.
  • Definitions of the target audience. Think about what groups of people are interested in this issue. Determine their age and social status. Think about what unites these people and how to interest them.
  • Data collection. Determine how people relate to this problem, how much readers are interested in its study.
  • Presentation of your goal. Share your attitude to the problem, tell me why it is important.

The second part of the body consists of:

  • Presentations of your opinion. Tell me if the situation can be changed and why you think so.
  • Placing other people’s opinions. Compare different opinions, find similarities and differences.
  • Argument your position. Tell me why she is worthy of attention.
  • Find credible sources to back up your arguments.

Conclusion structure

The conclusion should set out the solutions to the problem that you described in the body of the paper. You need to rephrase the thesis and briefly describe the key arguments. Recent suggestions should summarize all that has been said and invite the reader to form an opinion about the problem.

Best writing tips to improve the quality of paper

Even owning the topic and having strong knowledge, writing an exploratory essay is quite difficult for students. We have collected the best tips to help organize your data and increase the chance of a high score.

  1. Start with an outline. An exploratory paper is large, so the plan will help organize the data for each part of the essay. Divide the essay into introduction, body and conclusion and select key data for each.
  2. Use brainstorming to come up with the theme and thesis. These elements should sound concise and convincing. Make a look at your arguments, arrange them from the strongest to the softest.
  3. Distribute the data into groups. To avoid confusion, write the arguments separately from statements. Find evidence from credible sources.
  4. Check the quality of thesis statements and a hook. Ask a few comrades to evaluate the credibility of these elements. Looking from the side always helps to improve the work.

Tips on how to come up with a great topic

We already have an essay structure and tips for working with each piece of paper. However, if you are just at the start, you need a cool topic. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish a good topic from a mediocre one, although you can write an excellent essay on both of them.

Sometimes you can get stuck at the stage of coming up with a topic. These tips should help you:

  • Check out the latest news on the subject of research. If this is homework on history, look for controversial articles on the subject. Analyze current posts on the Internet and comments on them. So you can understand the opinion of the audience.
  • Start from the opposite. Prepare arguments and opinions to make an example of an essay body. When you have the central data of the paper, it will be easier for you to find a good title.
  • Find relevant topics that cause controversy. For your essay to become popular, it must trigger both positive and negative feedback. Think about which topic you can count on an active discussion.

Types of exploratory essay topics

Topics for this type of paper should be controversial. Imagine that you are asking a question to an audience, and everyone answers differently. This should not require training and a deep understanding of the topic. Your topic should be close to each person.

Here are some good exploratory essay topics:

  1. Should everyone visit a psychologist?
  2. Do children need to spend time on social networks?
  3. Should gay marriage be allowed?
  4. Which of the parents should go on maternity leave?
  5. Should there be sex education lessons at school?
  6. When can a student start living separately?
  7. What influence does the environment have on us?
  8. Does our career success depend on self-esteem?
  9. Does veganism make the planet cleaner?
  10. Should there be a punishment for moral violence?
  11. Does humanity need artificial intelligence?
  12. Do visualization and meditation help you achieve what you want?
  13. Should children be banned from walking late?
  14. What is more useful: tea or coffee?
  15. Does the wedding affect the development of relationships?

Process of writing an exploratory essay

When writing an essay, it’s very easy to go astray and skip some elements. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for creating a great exploratory essay.

  1. Write an essay outline. This is a short outline that contains parts of an essay and shows the placement of details. This will help you monitor your paper’s status.
  2. Create an introduction. Come up with a strong thesis and a hook. Tell us why you are investigating this problem.
  3. Write a body essay. Put in it your argumentation and different views on the issue.
  4. Complete the essay with a conclusion. Try to leave readers impressed.
  5. Edit and proofread the paper. Pay attention not only to errors but also to logical sequence and transitions between parts of an essay.
  6. Consult a professional. If you are stuck in some part of the paper and don’t know what to write next, place your order on our website. We will help you finish the essay.

The example of exploratory essay

Since this assignment is large, we will not publish the full essay. Instead, we prepared parts of a good introduction, body center of an essay and a conclusion.

Topic: What is more useful: tea or coffee?

Introduction: People are always divided into two categories. Some argue that tea is much healthier than coffee, while it has the same invigorating properties. Others insist that coffee awakens and has an exquisite taste. For example, every Swede drinks an average of 1,460 cups of coffee per year. Can any nation boast so much tea drunk?

Arguments for body part: People from China believe that there are no alternatives to tea, because it tones, removes toxins from the body and improves skin quality. However, residents of Austria say that coffee tones the body much faster. Of course, both drinks have their advantages, but which one suits everyone? In my opinion, tea has enough types to please every person. Depending on the sort, it can both add strength and relax the body.

Conclusion: Both tea and coffee have a lot of useful properties. Coffee lovers stand out by the number of drunk mugs, tea – a reverent attitude to different varieties. It is safe to say that tea has more beneficial properties. Unlike coffee, it is not addictive and addictive. Of course, coffee lovers will protest. Love makes us jealous, right?

Bottom Line

Creating an exploratory essay seems difficult if you don’t have a plan. We have compiled a complete guide to all the details of the assignment. Keep this article side by side when working on an essay.

If you do not want to spend time studying the processes of writing an exploratory paper, we can be responsible for completing the assignment. Place an order on the site, indicate the topic of the paper and the deadline – and we will contact you to find out the details. Just a few minutes separate you from a quality exploratory essay. Do not miss the opportunity to get professional help!

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