
Learn How to Write a Convincing Problem Solution Essay

January 28, 2019

Problem Solution Essay

A problem solution essay is not the most common type of written assignments given to modern students, but it does have a very important purpose: to stimulate the society to look for solutions for the most widespread problems of the world. The subject for a strong problem solution essay can be easily found by simply looking around you or reading the newspaper. We have prepared a complete guide on crafting a problem solution essay that will help you deliver a convincing paper with minimal effort.

Problem Solution Essay Topic

Unless you are given the topic for your essay by your instructor, this is the first crucial step in your writing process. The topic of your essay needs to be relatively easy to write about, but it also needs to match the interests of the general public. Popular problem solution essay topics today include everything connected with the environment, psychology, bad habits, the internet, deviations in youth, racism, education, and so on. The topic you ultimately choose for your essay needs to motivate you to think and look for the solutions to the problem.

Four Components of a Problem Solution Essay

Every problem solution essay is required to have four mandatory components:

  1. Situation, or your introduction to the background of the problem.
  2. Problem, or your description of the specifics of the problem and why it should be addressed.
  3. Solution, or your proposed answer to the problem.
  4. Evaluation, or an overview of your previously stated ideas along with a call for action.

Sometimes problem solution essay will address more than one problem, but this move is only effective when the multiple problems lie within the same realm — otherwise, you will find it hard to focus on the solutions to the problems.


The key secret to writing a winning problem solution essay is to believe in your problem. The best way to achieve a full understanding and acceptance of the problem is to write a proposal for your essay. Here are some tips on writing a successful proposal:

  • List down everything you know about the problem to make sure you’ve done thorough research.
  • Using your discovered data, provide some proofs that the problem in question is real and needs to be solved as soon as possible.
  • Identify the aspects of the problem that still need to be researched. It will not only help you paint a complete picture, but will also give your readers some food for thought.
  • Create a plan for your research, specifying where you will look for information and which methods you will use in the research.
  • Share your proposal with your instructor or other authoritative figure in your life to make sure you’re on the right track.

Two Ways to Write an Outline

Unlike a typical essay, which generally offers only one approach to creating an outline, a problem solution essay allows you to create the outline in two different ways. These methods are called the Block and Chain methods. No matter which type of outline you decide to go for, writing an outline is an essential step on your way to a brilliant essay, since it will help you stay on topic throughout the writing.

The Block outline has the following structure:

  1. Introduction and background.
  2. Problems 1, 2, 3.
  3. Transitional paragraphs.
  4. Solutions 1, 2, 3.
  5. Evaluation and conclusion.

The Chain method of writing an outline includes the following chapters:

  1. Introduction and background.
  2. Problem 1 + solution.
  3. Problem 2 + solution.
  4. Problem 3 + solution.
  5. Evaluation and conclusion.

5 Steps to Writing a Problem Solution Essay

In order to deliver a beautifully structured and logical paper, you need to follow a specific order of steps while working on the essay:

  1. Identify and explain the problem using concise language and providing the examples for a better understanding of the issue.
  2. Investigate the origins of the problem and how it has appeared in society.
  3. Explain why you believe the problem is important and needs to be solved.
  4. Paint a complete picture of the consequences of the problem if society fails to solve the problem.
  5. Demonstrate the possible outcome of the problem; this part will function as a call to action for your audience.

There is no universal recipe for success when you’re choosing a problem to investigate. In some cases, local problems connected to your school or community work best. In other cases, students achieve great results when writing a paper on global problems like the environment and racism. Most importantly, you should have a genuine interest in the topic.


The thesis is an essential part of the introduction of your problem solution essay, but it doesn’t mean you need to write your paper, including the thesis, in a strict order. In fact, most students benefit from writing the thesis last. By that time, they have already developed a thorough understanding of the problem and can form a clear and concise thesis that will be supported by the rest of the work.

How to Find Solutions to Your Problems

Before you can propose your own solutions to the problems, you need to demonstrate your prior research on the issue by offering some of the solutions previously designed by other scholars. Analyze whether they were completely successful, and if not, what can be changed about them. Then you can move on to proposing your own solutions to the problems highlighted in the earlier parts of the essay. The work on your solutions can be divided into three easy steps:

  1. Offer a plan of action. Your solution needs to be simple and detailed, possibly in a step-by-step form. Think of the potential criticism of your solution and address it in the same chapter.
  2. Support your solution with examples. Whether it’s pictures, statistics, or simply stories, there needs to be a strong background for your newly designed solution. Only then will your solution seem feasible to the public.
  3. Provide a call to action. Instead of simply offering a conclusion to your solution, be proactive and encourage your audience to take action. If the problem you’ve described is real and you’ve offered some genuine solutions, the call to action will be very effective. The projection technique is very effective for this purpose.

Proofreading and Writing Tips

Here is how to make sure your writing meets the highest academic standards:

  • After finishing the paper, leave it for one or two days before coming back and proofreading it with a fresh outlook.
  • Check whether your essay covers all four elements of a problem solution paper.
  • Make sure the thesis clearly refers to the content of the essay.
  • Confirm that you’ve done the most extensive research of the problem.
  • Check whether the solutions offered to the problem are realistic and can be achieved.
  • Pay special attention to the conclusion: it needs to not only summarize the text, but also offer a call to action.
  • Use online services like Grammarly to check your spelling and punctuation.
  • Ask one of your friends or family members to proofread your paper to make sure no grammar or logical mistakes spoil your final grade.

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32 thoughts on “Learn How to Write a Convincing Problem Solution Essay”

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