
Opinion Essay Topics: How to Choose the Best Idea?

January 17, 2021


An opinion essay is perhaps one of the most challenging writing jobs in school, college, university. Indeed, during its preparation, the student must show creative and intellectual abilities. Also, the teacher gives a limited amount of time to create the essay. We think your teacher has more than once explained to you how to write an opinion essay. But many nuances are forgotten, so we have prepared a universal plan, according to which you can quickly write a text on any topic.

The first step you must take before writing is to choose a topic. But how to encourage the teacher to read the text to the end and put A +? Usually, the teacher posts a list of sample topics himself. You can take advantage of them. Study them, think about which one is most understandable and close to you. If you have mastered this material in learning better, then great, take this topic.

Before taking on any particular essay topic, look at how much literature you can find on it. This is extremely important because if scientists had no research on a topic, it is better not to take it. After all, specific difficulties may arise in work. But it is also better not to take on reasonably common topics, since when evaluating work, the freshness of a look, new ideas that you can offer on this issue are assessed.

You can also take a hypothesis or theory that was not once fully substantiated and proven for the topic. However, you will have to bring new sources and additional information into the work in this case. It is best if the topic you have chosen will be based on research, experiences, discoveries that happened to you.

After you have decided on a topic for an essay, discuss it with your teacher. All that is required of him at this stage is to approve the selected topic officially. It is also worth noting that if the teacher gives you recommendations and talks about a particular topic’s choice, there is no need to argue with him because it can turn into trouble. Now let’s take a look at how to create an opinion essay.

How to Create an Opinion Essay: Expert Tips

To write the perfect opinion essay, follow these tips:

  1. Immediately after choosing a topic, it is necessary to select literature. Sources can be taken from the teacher’s literature list, scientific articles, methodological, and teaching aids. There are certain requirements for literature sources. Selecting irrelevant or unreliable sources can lead to poor quality and poor performance. Educational and scientific materials should be relevant to the topic of work and be up-to-date.
  2. A well-written outline makes it easier to write your essay. By clearly defining steps and tasks, you are not distracted by irrelevant information. It is best to draw up a plan in paragraphs. The essay outline allows you to determine the acceptable scope and schedule of work. Don’t be reminded that writing an essay on the last day or the penultimate day is not a good idea. The universal template for an essay: an introduction with a disclosure of the topic’s relevance, clearly formulated goals and objectives, disclosure of the central part, and a conclusion. Also, do not forget to coordinate the plan with your teacher.
  3. The introduction is the starting point of your reasoning. You can talk about the relevance of the topic, its importance for society. If appropriate, take an excursion into history, give examples from books, magazines, scientific research, look into the work of the author of the work, etc. In general, make it clear if you agree with the thesis on which you are writing the essay, and prepare the ground for arguments in the central part.
  4. In the central part, you need to prove your perspective and convince the reader of your judgments’ correctness. Here, do not hesitate to use introductory words and phrases: let’s say, for example, firstly, secondly, because, therefore, after all, and so on. For evidence, use personal experience, examples from literature and life, statistical data, the opinion of authority figures, and so on. The central part of the essay should be ⅔ of the total volume of work.
  5. In conclusion, you need to summarize all your reasoning beautifully and clearly. Explain how important the topic is to society or why people should pay attention to it. Describe your experiences with work, quote, or topic in two to five sentences.

List of Opinion Essay Topics

Any student in any discipline can create good opinion topics. To do this, you need to have critical thinking skills and be able to generate ideas. If you do not have time to create themes, we offer a list of our ideas in different directions and disciplines.

Political Topics

  1. The influence of interethnic relations on the development of the United States.
  2. The political system of society: the models of Easton and Almond.
  3. How does corruption threaten the United States, and how can the government fight it?
  4. The main directions of US cultural policy.
  5. The main directions of US social policy.
  6. US Environmental Policy.
  7. Political parties in the modern United States.
  8. Political terrorism in the history of the United States.
  9. The role of political parties in the formation and development of the country.
  10. The main directions of the economic policy of the US government.
  11. Political activity: pros and cons.
  12. Woman in Politics: The Case of Angela Merkel.
  13. State measures to combat unemployment.
  14. Nations and interethnic relations.
  15. International sports competition from the leading countries of the world.
  16. Features of parliamentary, propaganda speech.
  17. Political elite and leadership.
  18. The influence of the foreign policy of Mark Licinius Crassus on the further international relations of the Roman Republic.
  19. What I remember about politics during my childhood.
  20. A modern diplomat: an official or something more?

History Topics

  1. History as a scientific discipline.
  2. Ancient Rome: the way of life, traditions, and customs.
  3. Ancient Egypt: the way of life and relationships with neighboring states.
  4. Specific features of the constitutional monarchy in England.
  5. Salient features of the Great French Revolution 1789-1814.
  6. The connection between the history of the development of society and construction technologies
  7. The Christian concept of history in medieval Europe.
  8. British historiography in the context of 20th-century academic culture.
  9. Evolution of French-British relations.
  10. The Great Migration and the British Isles.
  11. Alfred the Great is a king and educator.
  12. Formation of the English nation and the English language.
  13. Religion in British History.
  14. Literature and Art of England in the Elizabethan Era.
  15. England’s struggle for naval domination in the 17th-18th centuries.
  16. The history of the development of relations between England and Scotland.
  17. In the era of geographical discoveries and its role in the world’s division between the great powers, England in the era of geographical discoveries.
  18. History and culture of South America before Columbus.
  19. History of the accession of Texas to the United States.
  20. Abraham Lincoln is president and Man with a capital letter.

Sports Topics

  1. Theories of the origin and development of sports.
  2. Physical culture in the Ancient East countries (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India, China, etc.).
  3. Gymnastics and agonistics in the culture of Ancient Greece.
  4. Physical education of girls in Ancient Greece, its features.
  5. The value of the historical experience of the ancient Greek Olympic Games.
  6. Physical training in gladiatorial schools in Rome.
  7. Attributes of the Olympics: symbol, flag, oath, fire, charter, talisman.
  8. Sports at the Olympic Games (student’s choice).
  9. Modern international sports: sport, organization, and competition.
  10. Regional competitions, their importance in the development of sports.
  11. Formation of value orientations of schoolchildren towards physical culture and sports.
  12. The role of physical culture and sports in the spiritual education of the individual.
  13. Means of physical culture in increasing the functional capabilities of the body.
  14. Physiological characteristics of the states of the body during physical exercise and sports.
  15. Physical culture in the system of general cultural values. Physical education at school.
  16. The importance of physical culture and sports in human life.
  17. Self-control in physical education and sports. Ways and methods of self-control over the functional state of the body.
  18. Features, content, and structure of sports training.
  19. Physical culture and sports social phenomena of society. The current state of physical culture and sports.
  20. Sport is an integral part of life.

Environment Topics

  1. The problem of environmental pollution over several historical eras.
  2. Basic living environments.
  3. Pollution of the world’s water bodies.
  4. Modern problems of forest management.
  5. Ecology of the city: problems and ways of their solution.
  6. Impact of vehicles on environmental pollution.
  7. Anthropogenic impact on the hydrosphere and biosphere.
  8. Creation of nuclear power plants and their threat to humans and the environment.
  9. Human influence on the environment.
  10. Industrial enterprises and their impact on nature.
  11. Motor transport and its impact on the ecological situation in urban areas.
  12. Pollution of sea seas with oil products.
  13. Climate change: preconditions and consequences.
  14. Man and his desire to conquer nature.
  15. Computer technology and environmental safety.
  16. The impact of the state of the environment on human health.
  17. The impact of world wars on the environment.
  18. Waste-free recycling of paper waste.
  19. Environmental education of the population.
  20. International environmental organizations.

Medical Topics

  1. The concept of the nursing process – the main goals, objectives, activities.
  2. Ethical foundations of nursing.
  3. The influence of temperature on life processes.
  4. The biological foundations of a child’s development and the influence of environmental factors on him.
  5. Monitoring and caring for patients with respiratory diseases.
  6. What is hardening?
  7. The concept of health, its content, and criteria. Functional possibilities of manifestation of a healthy person in various spheres of life.
  8. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle for a student.
  9. Measures to combat alcoholism and drug addiction.
  10. The influence of alcohol on the body of a teenager.
  11. Why is temperature measured in the mouth in the United States and rectally in Europe?
  12. Why is blood taken from the ring finger for analysis?
  13. Economic problems of health care development.
  14. Problems of artificial organ transplantation.
  15. The contribution of doctors to the formation and development of nursing.
  16. What effect does a nurse or doctor have on a patient?
  17. Viral media: how has the pandemic affected publishers and audiences?
  18. Mercury accumulates in the human body and affects it.
  19. Modern problems in the training of nurses.
  20. Information technology in medical statistics.

Economic Topics

  1. Models of economic systems and their features.
  2. Modern models of a mixed economy (American, Western European, Japanese).
  3. Small and medium-sized businesses, their growing role in the modern economy.
  4. The economic behavior of a firm under a monopoly.
  5. Theories of wages and their use in economics.
  6. National income: factors of its growth and distribution.
  7. Importance of consumption problems for the development of economic policy.
  8. Comparative analysis of monetary policy in transition economies.
  9. The banking system of developed countries and methods of its regulation.
  10. State budget and problems of its formation in the US economy.
  11. The tax system of developed countries and their impact on the macroeconomic equilibrium.
  12. Human capital as a factor of economic growth.
  13. International credit relations and their development in modern conditions.
  14. Global problems of international cooperation and ways to solve them.
  15. Problems of measuring labor productivity in modern conditions.
  16. Beneficial deposits for the population and some loans in banks?
  17. How to save money during a crisis?
  18. Stock market problems in the context of the global financial crisis.
  19. Family budget and economic problems of rational use of resources.
  20. Economic problems of my city and ways to solve them.

Pedagogical Topics

  1. Features of the image of a “good” and “difficult” student in a modern teacher’s minds.
  2. Features of the creative imagination of a younger student.
  3. Features of the artistic creativity of a modern teenager.
  4. School of the future: projects of modern student youth.
  5. Aesthetic education in the academic space of the school.
  6. Ethical code of the teacher: on the example of outstanding teachers’ personality in the school’s history and modern reality.
  7. The history of the development of pedagogy as a science. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences.
  8. Modern forms of education in higher educational institutions.
  9. The influence of computer technology on the effectiveness of the cognitive process and learning.
  10. Modern textbook: advantages and disadvantages.
  11. Promising methods of teaching high school students.
  12. I am providing pedagogical assistance to children from problem families.
  13. Conflict situations in pedagogy and ways out of them.
  14. I am raising love for nature in preschool and school institutions.
  15. Psychological assessment of a child’s readiness for school.
  16. The relationship between teachers and students of secondary and higher educational institutions.
  17. Education of the future: difficulties and prospects.
  18. Fundamental categories of pedagogy (upbringing, training, education).
  19. The image of a teacher through the eyes of modern students.
  20. My first teacher.

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